Bodega Bay report 11/9

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Reaction score
santa clara, california
# of dives
200 - 499
Went out on a friends boat to drop some crab pots. Did a dive along the west jetty of the bay/harbor entrance.

A very high tide that was just starting to fall. Not much of a swell but stiff South wind created big wind waves, bit calmer tucked in West of the west jetty where I dropped into 18fsw sandy bottom and 6-10ft viz. Followed the jetty to the end and went slightly around the corner into the boat channel as well keeping close to the rocks. Big rocks with lots of big pockets and holes. Rocks algae covered but no kelp. Lots of sea stars and big anemones. Couple of abalone seen. Expected to find lots of fish but was empty with the exception of striped perch and a single greenling.

Spotted a few dungeness crab and came across a lost hoop crab trap tangled in the rocks that I freed and later recovered from the boat.

On way back along wall noticed some of the dungeness where buried in the sand with just their eyes and mout parts proturuding. Dug a couple up and came across what I thought was another one and tucked my spear point under and lifted and too my shock, rather than a crab breaking the surface, the big 2 ft wide face of an angel shark emerged just a couple feet from my face! This was the 2nd time I've seen one of these beauties so I wasn't in a total panic and as it woke up and turned cruising off I swam along with it for a while enjoying the graceful movements of this 4-5ft long creature and watched it settle to the bottom.

Our pots didn't yield much and I ended up doing a second dive inthe same spot later catching a few crab by hand and bagging them to supplement our meager catch.

Anyone thinking of diving here should note that tidal changes create a very strong current in the channel (not to mention the boat traffic) and it should be entered only with the utmost of caution and preparation. Also note that the West jetty is only accessable by boat. The east jetty can be accessed by shore but is used by shore fisherman and entanglement hazard very likely.
I was out 11/9 as well. We launched about 8:00 am dropped six pots near jingle bells and then headed north for a couple of dives near Fisk Mill. That stiff south wind gave us a bit of an adventure on the return trip, I couldn't get above 12 mph with out slamming the hull even with the trim tabs adjusted. The sun set by the time we made it back to the Bodega Marine lab which had us pulling our pots in the moonlight! We did end up with 23 keepers and some fun diving however NO angel sharks.

Probably have to hit the jetty next time,

Hey Ken,

Since this is a Bodega Bay thread, have you ever done a dive at Dillions Beach? Or is it a really bad location?


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