Boat Dive Out of Pascagoula - Mississippi Saturday 1/8

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Albany, Oregon
Hello All,

Lets go diving. It has been too long and my gills are drying up. I
just spoke with George Burton on the Scuby Doo. He tells me the seas
are about 3' and that's pretty rough for a 24 foot boat. He is
thinking of 3 dives in one day. If we are willing, he will run,
assuming it doesn't get any worse. I pasted his contact information
below. You will want to call soon so he knows the level of interest
and then again on Friday to make sure its still a go.


Work: 228 392 8753
Mobile: 228 380 8753

10235 Gorenflo Rd.
D'Iperville, MS 39540
Custom 1: Capt. George Burton
Custom 2:

24' Sea Hawk Takes up to 6 divers
3 tank dives
$120 per person
I know this is not the kind of response you are looking for, but for me Its a bit too early in the year, (cold and dark) but hopefully the weather will stay good for the trip. I've been out in just the Sound in March when it was really tough for a 45' trawler. Boated out there to Horn Island a bunch, found you can't dive near shore Gulf even Horn Island, the bottom is just muck soup. On a Sept day I got out to Liberty Ship (5 miles off Horn) once in my 20' boat - lots of swells running and looked like no vis.

So I'm sure this has already been discussed, but would you mind telling what spots are out there, what the typical vis. is. If it works for me in the summer, I could save a ton of time in the drive to Destin. If it compares well. Wondering, cause the pics. on the dive boat site of the sunk supply boat or whatever that was, are very murky, almost like no visibility? What's the bottom out there on most sites. And how many miles off shore are most of the typical sites?

Thanks in advance if you get the chance to answer this.
Lots of rigs off the coast of Pascagoula. Vis is hit and miss, it can be <5' or >100'.

Have fun John, send me a trip report afterwards :) I think we are diving Cypress again since its free :D
Lots of rigs off the coast of Pascagoula. Vis is hit and miss, it can be <5' or >100'.

Sort of my experience, hope the Cypress thing goes well, looks like Sat. will be good. Cypress is on my list in '05.
I think three to four footers in a 24 foot boat with 60 degree water temperature raises the question of whether you should be paying someone to take you out or should you be paid for the experience. Of course, the worst day diving is better than the best day not diving.

Sort of my experience, hope the Cypress thing goes well, looks like Sat. will be good. Cypress is on my list in '05.

If you need a buddy whenever you get out here, let me know :) I know the way now!
If you need a buddy whenever you get out here, let me know :) I know the way now!

I know this thread has really been hijacked, but I'd like take you up on the Cypress Springs dive later in the spring. If you get a chance post some pics. of your trip. It would be a great change from Vortex and a lot more off the beaten path.
I think three to four footers in a 24 foot boat with 60 degree water temperature raises the question of whether you should be paying someone to take you out or should you be paid for the experience. Of course, the worst day diving is better than the best day not diving. TT

Hey TT. You might be right. Everybody agrees with you. Come Saturday, there was still only me signed up so the dive was cancelled. All the smart people went to the springs.

Being a dry suit diver and Ice Diving certified, I'm not as concerned about the cold as those with a 3mm suit. Even so, the waives and low vis would have probably made this a lousy dive.

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