Boat Dive out of Pascagoula 3-26-05

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I am booking a boat out of Pascagoula next Saturday (wind and weather permitting). It will be a three-tank outer rig dive. It will be a mix of spearfishing/boat fishing and rec diving. We will go out far enough so that the vis should be pretty decent. PM me if you are interested and I'll get you the details.
Since this is Easter weekend, I have to join the rest of the family sunday, but I would love to at a later date.
Paul--my heart goes out to you buddy. Really.
brg10--I know, it's not the best weekend. I talked to the boat owner today and he is planning to go out on Sunday the 3rd of April if that date would work better for you. I am going to try to clear up my schedule and go then.
Paul--seriously, have a great time and bring back a good report.
I am supposed to start my advanced openwater class probably next week. So I am gonna wait until after my certification to plan any more dives, but keep me posted, I am still interested in going at a later date, Im from Vicksburg and Pascagoula is only 4 hrs from me. Bobby
Less expensive, less warm, less luxurious but nonetheless fun.

I will continue to post whenever I am planning to dive out of Pascagoula and maybe we'll all make it out of there one day soon. Captain George runs a great trip. The last time I went we had good visibility, dove two wrecks and a rig, they caught some huge fish and one guy even caught a four-foot reef shark while fishing from the boat. Aside from having to wash shark guts out of my gear for the next few weeks, the trip was a great success.
If you ever need to fill a spot on the boat this summer, give me a pm. I live in ridgeland and I could meet you guys down there for a dive weekend. Its a lot closer than florida, bob

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