Blue Angel Scuba/Caribe Blu hotel

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Just returned from CZM diving trip. Blue Angel Scuba took care of our diving needs. They are great. Try them once and you'll discover the treasure of CZM. :dazzler1: Friendly staff and very accommodating. CZM diving is great at any site. They will take you to any place you want, depth or lacation. Can't say enough good things about them. Thanks for all their efforts.
Now about the Caribe Blu Hotel. I really hate to praise it because now everybody will flock to this place, and it will be hard for me to get reservations back their. They have the most comfortable beds on the Island, and I've been going to CZM for 13 years and have tried to sleep on what the others call beds I call bricks. I had hot water for showers all the time, A/C works great, Clean, on site dive Blue Angel Scuba, resturant for Breakfast and lunch (the Mango pancakes) were very good. Staff is 24/7 at the hotel.
It is nice to have hotel and dive operator together and very convenient. "I'll be Back". Thanks Jeanne for you help.
George OKC
Do they have a beach there?
Not a beach as you would see with water and sand in a picture. They have a sand area with palm trees and hammocks, next to the pool, and a walk for diver to the water and great diving from the shore. Sea horses right of the shore, unusual for being that close to boat and diving activity. There are pic of the resort on the web site, check it out. The friendly staff will help with all your question. There is a 1-800 number to ask your questions as well. good luck.
Just booked with them tonight! My wife and I spent the day diving with them off a cruise ship last year and fell in love with this charming little property. Only 95 days to go!!!!!
How did you guys go about booking with them?

Alex, in CZM is a great lady and will take care of your diving needs, Jeannie, in the states also great lady will make your reservations. Give them a call, I would start with Jeannie first. she can also make room reservations too. Good diving. George.

For reservations please contact us at:
Cozumel,Mexico: Alejandra (shop owner)
Mexican Phone from US: 011-52-987-872-1631

US and Canada: Jeannie Buscher,
US Toll Free # 1-866-779-9986

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