Blackbird Caye--nice place, bad management

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I did a lot of research for a place in Belize combining good diving and open water PADI certification referral for my companion.

We finally decided on Blackbird and traveled there the end of June. Blackbird is in a beautiful, remote setting on the Truneffe islands 1 1/2 hours by boat ride from Belize City--which is good if everything goes well. But if management is not on top of things, its remoteness can be a disaster. It almost was for us. My companion had been hesitant about learning to scuba dive and did not consider herself a strong swimmer, but, she did great in the pool and classroom at home. However, the first regulator and tank she was given at Blackbird were faulty. So was the second regulator, and the problem was not discovered until we were at the dive site, in the water, and she tried to draw her first breath.

She ended up doing her first ever open water dive using her octopus because her second stage wouldn't draw air. She did hang in there and complete her certification, but it was a traumatic experience that no new (or experienced) diver should have to go through. The manager did not seem to care, though, and apparently this kind of inattention was not uncommon at Blackbird according to her instructor who is not a permanent Blackbird employee, but works under contract on an as-needed basis.

After I returned home and reported the problem to the exclusive booking agent for Blackbird (who would not give me contact info. for the owner but supposedly relayed our concerns to him), she said Blackbird had to fire the previous manager because he was so bad. The current one was only filling in and they were looking for a permanent replacement.

Most of my dives were with the instructor who was okay, but on the one dive with the dive master for other divers (apparently Blackbird just contracts with temporary dive masters as needed from Belize City), he did not do a safety stop and tried to make me come up without one when I stopped at 15 feet. While diving, he just swam ahead without making any attempt to look for interesting creatures--or, worse, looking back to see if we were following.

The manager spent more of his time playing volleyball with staff than paying attention to the guests.

The cottages are cute, food was so-so but not too bad considering the remoteness, and Blackbird's location is close to some good dive sites. But take your own reg and bc, don't get certified there--and find out if the management has improved if you decide to go.


P.S. Blackbird Caye and Manta Resorts are under the same ownership. I would be somewhat concerned about going to Manta for the same reasons as above.
with your assessment. Nice place, horrid management.

Our stay was relatively uneventful until the last evening. Mark, the manager, had shown a tendency to be brusque and not overly attentive to minor complaints registered by various guests. He was also particularly stingy about the 'complimentary' wine that was served at dinner. Not a huge deal, but indicative of his mindset.

He had also evidently not ordered sufficient provisions for our stay and supplies were running low by the end of the week. There was no coffee, sugar, milk, cereal, or several other niceties...again, not a big deal, but still should not have happened.

We awoke at 3 am to a MAJOR squall that removed a good portion of the thatched roof of our cabana...the bathroom was completely exposed to the elements. At dawn, we were herded into the dining lodge at dawn, given a piece of overripe fruit for breakfast, and instructions for getting our gear to the boat for the return trip to the mainland.

Long story short, the wave action at the dock was so severe we couldn't load the boat. It was taken to the lagoon and we humped all our gear in the rain and mud and loaded there. Still no big deal, it was kind of an adventure to deal with a little weather.

However, once we cleared the lee of the island we were subjected to howling winds and waves that I estimated to be 14-18' in height. The 31' boat was tossed like a toothpick and we came close to capsizing more than once. Passengers were seasick and retching violently, scared witless, and pleaded with the boat captain to return to the resort. He explained that because of the low supply situation, he had 'orders' from the manager to go to the mainland to replenish, regardless of the weather conditions. No amount of urging or pleading convinced the captain to alter his course and return to Turneffe to wait out the storm. I don't recall life jackets ever being issued either.

The trip from the mainland was made in 45 min, but the return journey required over 4 hours...some passengers were visibly shaken by the ordeal and one woman was very near hysteria. A hotel near the docks in Belize City provided us with complimentary rooms to shower and change clothes which was a wonderful gesture to our battered group.

Several of us sent letters to the resort management complaining that we felt our safety was compromised by the managers actions, but not one received a reply.
Since our experience was quite different than the two posted here, I would hope that the wonderful staff we had was new and improved. Maybe your complaints worked. The staff we had was Kenny,Kitty from Belmopan, and Nadia was the Divemaster from Placencia. We were really well served by all at Blackbird Resort and glad we had a nicer experience that you did.
Rescue Diver68:
...the wonderful staff ..QUOTE]

with the exception of the manager, the staff at Blackbird was wonderful. The maids, cooks, and especially the dining room manager (Kelton), were exceptionally friendly and helpful.

Didn't want to paint everyone with the same brush...and fwiw, Mark was an American from Chicago, not a native Belizean.
This problem with worn out and ill-maintained rental gear is all too common. Although paying more doesn't guarantee a better product, do be aware that when you choose the "best" (ie cheapest) deal something has to give. Replacement rental gear costs me well over US$20k annually, and I have to recover that expense somehow.

And it is common in the industry to employ instructors and divemasters on a "piecework" basis. No work, no pay, which at quiet times of the year can be a major problem for the staff concerned, but it obviously reduces the company's expenses compared with a business that retains its staff by paying them year-round even when there's no work. Again, the company that "shafts" it's employees can offer cheaper prices.

As in so many other things, you get what you pay for.

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