Woohoo! Just heard that Blackbeard's Cruises in the Bahamas announced a SINGLES cruise on November 10th!
I drilled them with questions. I was calling to find out about their REEF trip and found out about that also. They said they used to do them all the time and they used to be dominated by males, so they stopped for a while. I guess it was a major sausage party. But they will be monitoring the balance between between males/females more closely this time.
I'm thinking of booking ...anyone else heard about this, done this thinking about this? I am still trying to decide between the REEF trip or the Singles trip.
I899.00 + taxes for the week
includes all your meals, snacks, booze, tanks, weights & 3-4 dives per day.
They leave from Freeport, Grand Bahama....
I drilled them with questions. I was calling to find out about their REEF trip and found out about that also. They said they used to do them all the time and they used to be dominated by males, so they stopped for a while. I guess it was a major sausage party. But they will be monitoring the balance between between males/females more closely this time.
I'm thinking of booking ...anyone else heard about this, done this thinking about this? I am still trying to decide between the REEF trip or the Singles trip.
I899.00 + taxes for the week
includes all your meals, snacks, booze, tanks, weights & 3-4 dives per day.
They leave from Freeport, Grand Bahama....