Birth Control and Weight Gain

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Hello Ladies! I searched online for some help on this topic and came across your forum. I started Yasmin birth control pills about 5 months ago. Within that time, I gained 8-10 pounds that I really didn't need to gain in the first place. I do eat now more then I used to so I am sure that factored into the weight gain as well, but there are days I do good and I still don't notice a change in my weight. Now I am seriously thinking of dieting, drinking more water and exercising but I am afraid I will do all of this work and won't see results because of the pill. I was even considering going off the pill for about a month or so but can I go right back on if I decide to after a month? Thanks for your help!!
As far as weight gain on the pill goes... its more or less expected! If you didnt know this already, the contraceptive pill 'fools' your body into thinking you are pregnent, hence your ovulation stops, hence u cant get pregnant, hence its success as a contraceptive! Unfortunately with the oestrogen u pump into your body while taking the pill comes with it the side effects.. often weight gain, your body is behaving as it would if you were actually pregenant... eating more because ur body thinks its feeding two, and gaining weight as a result of increased eating and perhaps the fact that u dont really need to be eating more (its not being used up!) also, as insulation for the 'baby'. Some women also get the emotional aspect of it too.. very tempermental, easily upset etc... But of course not every woman gets these symptoms even if she is genuinely pregnant, it is down to the individual.
Each pill type is slightly different in its hormone content and each individual's reaction to each type of pill is different. Unless ur medical conditions prevents you, there is nothing stopping you trying out an alternative pill which may not have the 'weight-gain' effect you are experiencing right now.

As far as the excercise/water etc goes, that can only be agood thing!

Stopping the pill for a month is an idea, to see if it is actually the pill which is causing your weight gain. But obviously you need to be using alternative contraception during that break! In addition you'll need to make sure you start again at the right time, the first day of your next period in order to be properly protected against pregnancy. I also personally think taking a month or so break from the pill after 3-6 months of continuous use is a good idea anyway..

The best advice is.. ask your doctor.. thats what they are there for, and they should be providing all advice you need if they are prepared to hand over a pill to you!


:D :D :D
Hi! thanks so much for taking the time out to reply to my post. This is my first time on birth control pills and my doctor did tell me weight gain is a side effect, but I guess I didn't believe her. Now it actually happened, and I am really frustrated. Everything you said made perfect sense and I am going to take your advice!
I was on the pill for years and was sick every morning. Finally foudn out I was sensitive to estrogen!! I am no on DepoProvera(sp?) and don't have any side effects. No weight gain(in fact I've lost 35lbs) and no mood swings. It's a shot not a pill so I don't know if you'd be comfortable 'shooting-up' but you only have to do it every 3 months. BTW I'm on it for medical reasons, so don't flame me!!
Victoria once bubbled...
As far as the excercise/water etc goes, that can only be agood thing!

I have to agree wholeheartedly. After losing more than 100 pounds in the past 8-10 years I learned that lasting change comes from a lifetime commitment to a healthy lifestyle. "Dieting" and exercising just to lose a few pounds rarely works for the long term.

Even if you're like me, and the commitment to healthy eating and regular exercise doesn't lead you down the fast lane straight to your "ideal" body weight, it just plain feels good. Besides the obvious increase in general fitness level (and very helpful for those long surface swims), I sleep better, have more energy, have fewer elevates my mood and helps reduce stress. Can't beat that.

My daughter has been having a similar problem with all birth control pills. She's now starting Yasmin and experiencing the same difficulty. It's possible that after 2 - 3 months this side effect will go away. Have you heard back from anyone else?
Something my wife told me once when she was about to go under the knife for a gastro by-pass.

98% of women who diet gain more weight than they loose after 6 months of starting the diet.
hnladue once bubbled...
It's a shot not a pill so I don't know if you'd be comfortable 'shooting-up' but you only have to do it every 3 months.

Heres a stupid question - do you give the shot yourself or do you have to go to the Drs office every 3months?
Since I have access to needles I do it myself. Dr said I could too. It's very easy and doesn't hurt.
hnladue once bubbled...
Since I have access to needles I do it myself. Dr said I could too. It's very easy and doesn't hurt.

I'm going to have to look into this! Thanks for the info!

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