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thank you daisy
thats the sort of encouraging comments that i need to send me on my way, it's good to see americans having a sence of humor about themselfs, and i'm glad that you recognise the austrailian way, i'm actually quite proud that other nations possibly precive us in that light. don't worry the mostly negative comments have not detered me just made me try harded to acheive what alot of people think will be to tough. if i can finish my last year of school i can definatly do this, a megar task in comparrison
thanks again it's very much appreciated.

Negative Negative!!! If you listen to these posts you'll never do anything with your life. I say 'Go For it'. You should contact Dive The World Thailand - use the web address in my signature.

"Take into account that you need to be able to speak local language fairly well to make money" - yeah you really need to speak Thai in a place like Phi Phi. Like there isn't a steady flow of tourists from all over the world :flag: , lots of internationally owned businesses and English widely spoken - :headscrat

"Once you go, it may be a bit tougher to change your mind." What? So what if it doesn't work out. 'To try does not guarantee success but to not try guarantees failure' A quote from Bill Clinton.

"a tough life, you need work papers" Yeah it so tough! I know people living in Thailand who are forever grumbling about yummy cheap food, brilliant weather and gorgeous scenery. No work permits for them and no probs.

"18, alone, female and in a foreign country is pretty scary stuff." Don't forget that these people are Americans :usa: so, with the greatest respect, are not the people to give travel advice. e.g. George W had only left the US to go to one 'other' country before he became Prez and that was to Mexico. Look to the Australian tradition of discovery and adventure for inspiration. Young Aussies leave their homes behind for years to travel the world and open their minds - mercifully the same is not true of young Americans.

"NEVER travel to a foreign country or even within the U.S without a chunk of money and with the knowlege your parents or a trusted family member can bail you out if you get broke and desperate." See above.

Good luck and don't let them grind you down.

Go for it!!! :jump013:
There is definately not a need to know Thai to go to Thailand since most of the jobs for foreigners are dealing with tourists, who don't speak Thai. Knowing a language besides English is a big help in getting jobs in Thailand/Asia as you can deal with more of the tourists.

The only backup plan you need is to make sure you have an open-ended return ticket or enough to buy one and then you are never stuck. Have fun and enjoy.
Hi there Aust-girl!

Well I'm with Daisydivealot on this one. Life is toooo short!! Ok your finances may not be in the best nick, and I can't give you advice regarding Thailand itself, however do know that the only regrets you have in life are about things you didn't do.

I know a friend of mine who went off travelling at 18, and only came back 5 years later, by then a highly experienced, fully qualified dive instructor and technical diver. He learned about other cultures, other languages and went waaaay beyond the constraints that he would have constantly felt around him had he stayed in England the whole time.

Also, by the way, you will always feel that you have not quite got enough money, so I say go for it. Keep your head screwed on… not everyone is out to trick you, but be aware that occasionally someone may not quite be what they seem. I am sure you will have a great time, and if you decide to return, you will have had the most incredible of life experiences, that staying in your own country could never provide.
As Daisy said, Thailand is a major tourist resort, and as such, there will always be a bit of bar work or similar that you could do to bring in a few pennies.

Wishing you all the luck in the world.
Best of luck, Aust_girl on living your dreams! It always shocks me how few people have the courage to do that.

Two things... Check into getting a Thai work visa - talk to the Thai embassy near you. They can help you with the paperwork, and it is extensive. I do corporate planning for a company that is building a manufacturing plant in Thailand as we speak and I know the process takes many months. Second, a great web resource for all things international living is, oddly enough, and they have a good library of materials at . Good luck!

If you're interested in further detailed info, PM me and I'll give you what I know.
Negative Negative!!! If you listen to these posts you'll never do anything with your life. I say 'Go For it'. You should contact Dive The World Thailand - use the web address in my signature.

"Take into account that you need to be able to speak local language fairly well to make money" - yeah you really need to speak Thai in a place like Phi Phi. Like there isn't a steady flow of tourists from all over the world :flag: , lots of internationally owned businesses and English widely spoken - :headscrat

"Once you go, it may be a bit tougher to change your mind." What? So what if it doesn't work out. 'To try does not guarantee success but to not try guarantees failure' A quote from Bill Clinton.

"a tough life, you need work papers" Yeah it so tough! I know people living in Thailand who are forever grumbling about yummy cheap food, brilliant weather and gorgeous scenery. No work permits for them and no probs.

"18, alone, female and in a foreign country is pretty scary stuff." Don't forget that these people are Americans :usa: so, with the greatest respect, are not the people to give travel advice. e.g. George W had only left the US to go to one 'other' country before he became Prez and that was to Mexico. Look to the Australian tradition of discovery and adventure for inspiration. Young Aussies leave their homes behind for years to travel the world and open their minds - mercifully the same is not true of young Americans.

"NEVER travel to a foreign country or even within the U.S without a chunk of money and with the knowlege your parents or a trusted family member can bail you out if you get broke and desperate." See above.

Good luck and don't let them grind you down.

Go for it!!! :jump013:
What she said and do the exact opposite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daisydivealot Knows what she's talking about, listen to her. I think most of the other posters on this thread are just jealous that they didn't do what You're doing when they were younger. I left Home with £25 in my pocket eleven Years ago and haven't looked back once. I'm intending to drop everything and head off again after the summer. Good luck with Your adventure.

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