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i've almost made the biggest dicision of my life, i have 3/4 of a year left at school and then the big plan is to sell my things, leave everyone i know and move over to phi phi in thailand (tropical paradise island) and gain my diving instructors qualifications.
was just wondering on the chances of me being able to find any sort of employment diving or non that will help with the money from day to day, because as it is now, all my plans depend on me finding work other wise i'll run out of money to live before my time is up.(i have all the money for the courses just struggling to gain money for living expences.)
also i'll only just be 18 when i arrive, will my age be a problem when finding work after my qualification, and should i be safe in phi phi considering i'm a female and all alone?
anyone will any experiance in anything i'm about to go through, your insight and advice are gratly appreciated.
i've almost made the biggest dicision of my life, i have 3/4 of a year left at school and then the big plan is to sell my things, leave everyone i know and move over to phi phi in thailand (tropical paradise island) and gain my diving instructors qualifications.
was just wondering on the chances of me being able to find any sort of employment diving or non that will help with the money from day to day, because as it is now, all my plans depend on me finding work other wise i'll run out of money to live before my time is up.(i have all the money for the courses just struggling to gain money for living expences.)
also i'll only just be 18 when i arrive, will my age be a problem when finding work after my qualification, and should i be safe in phi phi considering i'm a female and all alone?
anyone will any experiance in anything i'm about to go through, your insight and advice are gratly appreciated.

I remember when I left home at 17 and never looked back(not that you said anything about home, leaving home, etc)...My motivation had nothing to do with beginning a new career, although that was one result. Please examine your motives and ensure you are making these choices for the right reasons.

"sell my things, leave everyone I know"...sounds like something is driving you away. :)

How did you pick the location? Isn't part of the choice of location dependent on the answer to the question(s) asked?

You have six months or so before you need to fully commit to the decision. Perhaps in that time you can get more info on a variety of locations that might suit your needs.

Take into account that you need to be able to speak local language fairly well to make money, unless a different language is appropriate for the location or job.

What do your various family members think about this? Perhaps they can help you a bit financially?

I apologize that I don't have any answers to your questions....

Good luck!
I'm all about heading off for new experiences, but that's a big jump!

Just be sure you've thought about all your options first......I worked off my Instructor classes at a CDC in the states, and managed to live off of what was left in each paycheck. Would have been a lot harder not knowing the local languages and customs. We had a lot of instructors move off to other countries to teach, but they had established credentials first, should they need to return. Consider it......

No one can tell you what's best for you. That's up to you to decide, but honestly considering the perspectives poeple close to you offer may help you be confident you'll have no regrets.

You can put off going, and still have the option to do so. Once you go, it may be a bit tougher to change your mind.

Like Scubsean mentioned, be sure your reasons for going are the right ones.........
I don't think Thailand is the place for you to go with the restraints you are placing yourself in financially, I think I saw a post on this list in the Asia section from somebody local who pretty much said it was a tough life, you need work papers which are difficult to get so you could be deported when you least expect it. The pay is low and you need some kind of subsidy to survive. And you have to compete with locals for the jobs. In short as a young 18 year old you could be placing yourself in a situation where your available options are less than ideal. you are at least thinking about it, why not broaden your options and find an area where at the very least if diving doesn't work out and you need to bail you're not in a place where friends are few and far between.

Well, at least you've thought it through. Maybe someone who loves you will slow you down a little.
Best advice I ever got was just before I made the 2nd toughest decision of my life so far. It was, "You've got to do what's right for you." This was further clarified to mean not what your family thinks you should do, not what you think others want you to do, not what's right for someone else. You need to make the decision. If what's right for you means to do what someone else tells you, or do what's right for someone else, so be it, but it has to be what's right for you.

In this case, aust_girl, this decision is a big one for you. Although others may bring things up that influence that decision, it needs to be made by you, not those of us on this board. If this move is something you really want to do, go for it and don't let anyone hold you back. If it was me (I'm older than you, but probably not any wiser :winky:) I would probably keep a bridge open to return if things didn't work out like I had hoped. Also - if you do go, you may want to be prepared not to limit your job options to just scuba-related ones.

Good luck with your adventures - wherever they take you!
i've almost made the biggest dicision of my life, i have 3/4 of a year left at school and then the big plan is to sell my things, leave everyone i know and move over to phi phi in thailand (tropical paradise island) and gain my diving instructors qualifications.
was just wondering on the chances of me being able to find any sort of employment diving or non that will help with the money from day to day, because as it is now, all my plans depend on me finding work other wise i'll run out of money to live before my time is up.(i have all the money for the courses just struggling to gain money for living expences.)
also i'll only just be 18 when i arrive, will my age be a problem when finding work after my qualification, and should i be safe in phi phi considering i'm a female and all alone?
anyone will any experiance in anything i'm about to go through, your insight and advice are gratly appreciated.

If you're living at home, get a job, live with the folks rent free for awhile if you can and rathole every penny. Get yourself a financial "cushion", then go have fun. A little money in the bank will give you the freedom to do what you want. No money is no funny. Make sure you have living expenses.

Try to find someone who is there and already doing what you want to do.- 18, alone, female and in a foreign country is pretty scary stuff.
If you're living at home, get a job, live with the folks rent free for awhile if you can and rathole every penny. Get yourself a financial "cushion", then go have fun. A little money in the bank will give you the freedom to do what you want. No money is no funny. Make sure you have living expenses.

Try to find someone who is there and already doing what you want to do.- 18, alone, female and in a foreign country is pretty scary stuff.

NEVER travel to a foreign country or even within the U.S without a chunk of money and with the knowlege your parents or a trusted family member can bail you out if you get broke and desperate.

If you run out of money, there are types that will pull stunts in foreign countries like give you money and hold all your id and passport as security, then never give it to you unless you perform according to their underworld demands which is usually prostitution.

Live your dreams, but have a secure plan and a backup that includes your parents. Talk to your Dad, your still Daddy's little girl even though all grown up. Having a robust plan with backups shows you have the maturity to go for it...then go live your dreams, and if your dreams change halfway through, doing the instructor thing in an exotic tropical resort has to be quite a life experience you'll never forget make sure it is one you never regret too!

Hey Aust_girl looks like you've been given loads of good advice how you use it is totally up to you, just out of curiosity why Thailand and do you have to take the training over there? If you're dead keen on a career in diving why not get your training locally and get a job on a live aboard. Gets you out and about, at least at sea you're not worried about bills and you can have a lot of fun. Like Snowbear says ultimately you answer to yourself so the choice is yours, whichever way you go God speed.
Negative Negative!!! If you listen to these posts you'll never do anything with your life. I say 'Go For it'. You should contact Dive The World Thailand - use the web address in my signature.

"Take into account that you need to be able to speak local language fairly well to make money" - yeah you really need to speak Thai in a place like Phi Phi. Like there isn't a steady flow of tourists from all over the world :flag: , lots of internationally owned businesses and English widely spoken - :headscrat

"Once you go, it may be a bit tougher to change your mind." What? So what if it doesn't work out. 'To try does not guarantee success but to not try guarantees failure' A quote from Bill Clinton.

"a tough life, you need work papers" Yeah it so tough! I know people living in Thailand who are forever grumbling about yummy cheap food, brilliant weather and gorgeous scenery. No work permits for them and no probs.

"18, alone, female and in a foreign country is pretty scary stuff." Don't forget that these people are Americans :usa: so, with the greatest respect, are not the people to give travel advice. e.g. George W had only left the US to go to one 'other' country before he became Prez and that was to Mexico. Look to the Australian tradition of discovery and adventure for inspiration. Young Aussies leave their homes behind for years to travel the world and open their minds - mercifully the same is not true of young Americans.

"NEVER travel to a foreign country or even within the U.S without a chunk of money and with the knowlege your parents or a trusted family member can bail you out if you get broke and desperate." See above.

Good luck and don't let them grind you down.

Go for it!!! :jump013:

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