People new to diving always worry about two things - sharks and morays. Most people that suffer injuries get them from Fire Coral, Bristle worms, Sea Urchins and jellyfish or things you usually ignore. I wouldn't trust an Oceanic Whitetip and I really don't trust Green Head Morays (Hawaiian) Green Heads with Mottled Brown bodies. These guys are nasty but the chances of being bitten or injuried are the same odds as winning Mega millions. The chances of getting hurt by Fire Coral, Bristle worms, Sea Urchins and jellyfish are probably 1 in 50. You will usually see at least one diver on the boat get stung by something. You are blessed when you get the chance to see a apex predator in it's natural environment so enjoy the moment.
totally agree! I was just in Roatan for a week and got nailed 3 times by jellyfish. Yes I should have listened to the dive leader and bought a bottle of Sea Safe. I learned my lesson!