Big Blue/Mason City Report

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Central Iowa
Anybody dove Big Blue in Mason City IA the last week or so?

Looking for a report on temps, visibility, etc.

Going next weekend for a couple of days

Jim was colder than *&^%$ both Saturday and Sunday.

Wind chills kept the temperature down to 36 on Saturday. Water temps were in the mid-50's. We did one dive anyway.

Sunday was more of the same, but the wind had died down somewhat. Still in the 40's temp-wise.

Visibility was about 20'.
Any idea what the water temps in late summer are at Big Blue?
I have heard that it gets up into the upper 60's late in the summer. Visibity is supposed to improve throughout the summer as well. Most everyone I spoke with said they were disappointed with the vis.

We're thinking of heading back up there later in the summer. Maybe we'll see you on the bottom!

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