Best time of year to dive Papua New Guinea?

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I recently won a pretty big trip to PNG (18 days) in a photo competition, but I have never been and know very little about the area, except the potential for world class diving. So I was wondering if people who have experience diving the area might have suggestions at what time of year is best for visibility, water temps, sea conditions etc.

I will be diving Kimbe Bay from the Walindi resort on West New Britain, then the MV Febrina for ten days, then from Loloata resort near Port Moresby.

From Loloata's webpage it seems that Sept, Oct, Nov could be the best months, but is this true for the north eastern portion (New Britain) of PNG as well?

I'm incredibly excited about this trip! :D All info is welcome.
Check the FeBrina's schedule. They do Kimbe when the season allows. Then, when the season switches in the prevailing winds, the FeBrina goes to the south shore of New Britain (winter time). I have dived on the FeBrina many times and you will love her. Not a "boutique" boat but so nice. Say HI to Alan for me.

I have been on that boat at all times of the year and can't decide when I like it best. If you have any questions about what to take, clothing taboos (important to respect these, IMO) and gifts for the locals, let me know.
Check the FeBrina's schedule. They do Kimbe when the season allows. Then, when the season switches in the prevailing winds, the FeBrina goes to the south shore of New Britain (winter time). I have dived on the FeBrina many times and you will love her. Not a "boutique" boat but so nice. Say HI to Alan for me.

I have been on that boat at all times of the year and can't decide when I like it best. If you have any questions about what to take, clothing taboos (important to respect these, IMO) and gifts for the locals, let me know.

Thanks Allison, I may have to PM you later as the trip approaches. I really appreciate your input and advice. One more question. How would you compare the diving in Kavieng to Kimbe? I noticed that Kavieng is offered on one trip later in the year. Thanks.
This might be helpful, from Undercurrent's Seasonal Dive Planner:
[h=3] Papua New Guinea[/h]
PNG's weather is dependent on local topography. Heat and humidity are reasonable considerations. Only in the Highlands does it get cool at night. The driest time of year is May through October, but it rains considerably even then. During the rest of the year, plankton blooms are more common. Although Walindi Plantation Resort accommodates guests year-round, January, February, and March are the wettest months. Some boats beat the rainy weather by moving to the other side of the mountains at Kandrian, miraculously transporting to a dry climate. It's a bit of a steam for the crew, but for guests, it's a quick flight over the mountains by small plane. The water temperature is a wonderfully warm 84 degrees, and the nights are T-shirt comfortable. The heaviest rains occur in the Rabaul area between January and April.

Be sure to have dinner with Dik Knight while at Loloata--he's quite the raconteur once you get him warmed up.
Thanks Vladimir. That link helps a lot to confirm what I have heard. I will take your advice about eating dinner with Dik Knight. Always up for some good conversation, especially since this trip most likely will be taken solo.
We dove in PNG in July. We started at Walindi and went to Rabul on the Star Dancer. The diving was fantastic but the viz was not stellar at that time. We also dove at Loloata( just one dive while waiting to fly out the next day..) and even though it was rough and rainy we did a dive where we saw 4 rhinopias on the same dive! Loved that trip! ( even though I must say it was a pain in the butt to get there.) We will go back. While onboard the Star Dancer the crew was raving about diving Kaveing. Based on everything they said we will plan on going there when we go back! Have a great trip!
Thanks Jake11,

That's great feedback. Good to hear about the Rhinopias because I have not seen one yet and hope to get the chance on this trip. I've decided to go in October in hopes of better viz. I had the option of adding Kavieng to the LOB itinerary but that would mean going in May, which i hear the viz can be about 30-40 feet at that time. I plan on shooting a lot of wide angle in Kimbe so hopefully the viz is more than 30-40 feet in October!

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