Best safety Equiptment?

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Oyama, British Columbia, Canada
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500 - 999
We are heading to Palau and that area for a few weeks in january, and I have some safety questions.

This stems from getting separated from my group last year in Malpelo, The current was ripping and I had to tighten a fin strap and that was all it took.I took a left when everyone else went right. Next thing I know I went straight up as we had just dropped in and hadn't gotten deeper than 30' and could see the Argos fading into the distance. I quickly deployed my sausage and turned on my transmitter. (supplied by the Argos) and by luck I had a sharp enough buddy who let the Dm know I wasn't there. Dm popped up told the skiff operator who took a tour around the rock and just happened to see me (Close to a kilometer away) Before, spiders were my only fear. but watching the boats fade into the distance as I did my damndest to get noticed was a feeling I don't want to repeat.

So here is my question for all out there.

What is the best safety equipment to have out there. I am into all sorts of diving and I would like to cover all contingencies without becoming a christmas tree. I am interested in night and day

I have a spot tracker are they good for diving?

Can you be TOO safety oriented?
I carry a whistle, Safety sausage w/reel, And a small flashlight on every dive.

Once during a late afternoon drift dive I got confused and started following another group. Once I realized that my buddy was gone and this group wasn't my group I surfaced. Once on the surface I could see my boat on the horizon. It was winter time and getting pretty dark and I was far from the boat. I grabbed my flashlight and started pointing in the boats direction. Did the trick, after a minute or 2 they saw the light and picked me up. I still wonder what would of happened if I didn't have that light. It would of been a nice swim to land.

I always carry a flashlight night or day!
Read this excellent thread

I always carry a sausage, light(s), whistle and mirror (that I need to replace, as it's slowly delaminating). I also have a DiveAlert and a strobe, but they're too bulky to fit easily in my pockets so they tend to stay in the bag if the dive conditions are good.
the best single piece of safety equipment is your brain

1) pay attention to the divemaster/instructors from the crew. The information that they tell you is for your benefit, listen to them, it can only help, ask them questions about the information they just gave you. Not only does it show them you were listening, but their speaches are often canned and your question will often evoke new information that can help you further. at least discuss with your buddy your dive plan and what you want to see/do and how to coordinate it best. Use the DM, but do not rely on them.
2) think through what you are going to do before you do it. Pilots refer to it as an OODA loop, PADI has their own moniker that I can't recall right now.
3) of course, when all goes wrong and its beyond your ability to overcome on your own, then hopefully you already read and headed the previous thread and are well prepared to signal for help. I always carry a light, mirror, lp air horn, whistle, and dye marker.
Like meesier42 said your brain. Mines not that good so I have a flare gun, a cell phone and a GPS in a waterproof container on my float and a whistle on my BC. Of course I don't take my float on trips so I'm stuck with my brain and my whistle on trips. The mirror and light sounds good.

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