Best Places for PADI Cert. in Costa Rica (In July)

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San Francisco California
My girlfriend and I are heading out to Costa Rica in July--not set schedule yet. We were hoping to get open water certifications (I got years ago in Australia but haven't been diving since). Can anyone recommend good places to dive and get certified? I know visibility can be poor around that time in some places. We were hoping to find somewhere with good beaches as well.

Many thanks!
Diving Safaris, Playa Hermosa. Really great people!
My wife and I ran into a former dive master from El Ocotal Resort on a vacation some time before she got certified and he said El Ocotal gets and keeps the best people because they pay better. We went there for her cert. and we were thrilled with her instructor. He was far better than the one I had many years ago in NJ. El Ocotal was alittle more expensive, but it was worth every penny. If you are in Osa, Mad About Diving seemed to be very professional and the owner was doing open water dives while we were diving with them this February and he seemed to be good as well.
If you are heading south then try Oceans Unlimited in Manuel Antonio. Fantastic beaches in that area, but the visibility may be slightly better up in the North in which case I would try Rich Coast.
As for the Guanacste area, we are the only PADI 5* IDC center and will give you a quality course with you own instructor.
You can always contact me for detaisl.

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