Best P-valve for women

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Northeast USA
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500 - 999
Now that the She-P has been on the market for awhile maybe there are more women with experiences with different p-valves?? It seems like the only women I know have the Halcyon Streamline, and I have been quite set on getting that one too but I’d like to hear why should I not consider other options and whether they have worked for gals.

I went to the BTS this weekend and had a look at the H and Salvo p-valves. I wish I could combine some of the characteristics from both. I liked how the Halcyon one looked but the price tag difference is one of the main negatives of it. Another thing that I disliked about H compared to Salvo was the higher profile. Then again I really was not too crazy about T-tube with Salvo either and you are going to have one or the other. Someone mentioned that the weak point of H is that if any grunge gets into that rubber flap it will leak. Is this a common occurrence? Or any more common than some other (leak) problem with the T-tube type? The T-tube definitely looks more prone to be a donning hassle.

Main thing though for me is that the valve will work, and it seems like Halcyon is promoted as the “easiest to pee through”, for women too. Is it, or is there considerable difference compared to eg Salvo? Does anyone here dive the balanced Salvo with She-P? Any problems with performance? Is Halcyon the bees knees for women for what it comes to p-valves or are there success stories with other brands there?
I only have experience with the Halcyon and it is awsome. Love it. No problems so far. From my perspecive, worth the money,

On a side note, had to put the SHe-P on on the fly...didn't realize our dive was going to be as long as we were discussing at the site. Slipped off into the jungle and put the thing on. Love it, no leaks, and P-valve worked wonderous.
I wonder if Halcyon's P-valve sales have spiked recently? I can't believe every woman I know has opted for the Halcyon. That one sentence in their brochure is sure working for them!

I'd still like to hear if anyone has tried any of the other models?
i have a couple of dives with the OMS valve. ($198.00)

Now, i am not fluent in p-valve speak...but i had some issues (only tried it twice) and am waiting to try out my dive buddys' dry suit when she installs a halcyon valve for actual comparison.
(we have the same size dry suit) That way i can determine if one really is better than the other - or if it was 'operator error' < deliberatley leaving out the details :wink: >

I am also willing to keep trying it (OMS) out - . I actually forgot it when I went diving over the weekend. But i am going again this weekend and will let you know how it works out.
i have a couple of dives with the OMS valve. ($198.00)

Now, i am not fluent in p-valve speak...but i had some issues (only tried it twice) and am waiting to try out my dive buddys' dry suit when she installs a halcyon valve for actual comparison.
(we have the same size dry suit) That way i can determine if one really is better than the other - or if it was 'operator error' < deliberatley leaving out the details :wink: >

I am also willing to keep trying it (OMS) out - . I actually forgot it when I went diving over the weekend. But i am going again this weekend and will let you know how it works out.
I also have the OMS p-valve- it has a lower profile than the Halcyon, but it can't be closed off like the Halcyon and Salvo versions. This would be an additional failure point, but it would take two failures for it too leak - mushroom valve failure AND either catheter/no catheter failure or check valve failure. I pretty much hook up the plumbing whenever I don the suit, so I sleep soundly at night. The mushroom valve in the p-valve is similar to the diaphragm that keeps water out of your second stage reg when you inhale.

I did modify my OMS p-valve since I wasn't happy with the diameter of the hose or the connection to the catheter. I changed the fitting on the p-valve body to accept a larger hose and also added a barbed fitting on the catheter end. I got all the parts from the local hardware store for less than $5, although I already had the hose. The larger hose isn't a vanity thing- the pee flows with less resistance through a larger hose. :D

As far as I can tell, the check valve in the OMS p-valve is a spring loaded brass ball valve.

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