scubasean once bubbled...
Perhaps I should just wear my 6.5mm wetsuit booties on my feet, since I know this combo works with my fins...
Are there any drawbacks to doing this?
If I had to do it again, I'd order the suit with the turbo soles instead of the rock boots. I'm still seriously considering having the soles installed, but it would not be cheap because my suit is a stock XL and the socks are size 11... I'd need 12, so the socks would need to be replaced.
My feet are 11-1/2 AA, so I really do have a hard time getting a proper fit... even in normal footwear, much less scuba gear. Generally, I buy scuba gear 1/2 size down and live with a little toe crowding, while my foot stretches the material and narrows the width to make it tolerable.
That won't work with rockboots
To me, the rockboots were a bit "clunky", but beyond that, I didn't care for the way they restricted my ankle motion. I'm not sure if it was that, or the fit of the Turtles, but I had major cramping problems that went away when I switched to the regular bootie.
Drawback? It's a tight fit... your current bootie will probably not fit over the sock. Another problem I have is that the zipper doesn't want to stay up, but the bottom of my gaiters covers it and keeps it secure.
I don't wear socks under the suit... between the suit being dry (except for sweat) and the 6mm bootie, my feet are plenty warm for the 50-60^f water at Catalina.
Obviously not going to be as durable for climbing rocks, but I dive almost exclusively from boats.
I've been diving that way for about 8 months now and have been very happy. I've come to have the opinion that the rock boots are a solution to a problem that does not exist for most of us (the need for a hiking boot to get to the entry point), and they are a severe compromise when under water.
Another drawback to the boots is they leave black marks on my buddy's deck... white shoes only on the boats!