Best Dive shop in Cancun/Cozumel?

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I would recommend Yucatek Divers in Playa Del Carmen. It is run by a German lady named Yolanda. It is a quality dive shop. I have had training in Oregon, Mexico and Jamaica and I felt that they were the best. We had a lot of fun but they took the training very serious. We were never in groups of more than four and most of the instruction was one-on-one. They are also the only dive shop in the area to have a deep freshwater pool for training. They also offer an amazing trip to snorkel with the whale sharks. The next time I go back I am going to dive in the Cenotes. Yolanda also has a nice clean but simple hotel next to the main dive shop. We really enjoyed it and can’t wait to go back again. Here is a link to them:
Sue, Sue, Sue … I would have aspect that by now you would have learn to take more responsability for your own lack of ability, instate of going back to the blaming game … It seems that you are a bit used to it, from what I hear in other post from you … “it was always someone else fault” …

From 7 people I talk to about you, 6 would not like to do dive with you ever again and 1 “didn`t give a toss” as he just tried to ignore you, instate of baby sit you, Uhmmm … It seems you are not very popular in Cancun, les recall some of the ligthes comments made about you “It would have been essair to dive with a mamut” – “from the moment she walk in the shop she tought she was the queen of England” “ she is the type of divers that Know it all”…. Etc

I read your post couple days ago, like others what really strike me is that you describe the total opposite of Alex and Nicole, and as I`m in Cancun (diving with Nicole and Alex by the way, in fact, Nicole is not able to dive because the other day she helped a little girl that was floating up too fast and by trying to catch her she damage her ears, uhmmm … not taking care of their costumer?) But as I was saying as I`m in cancun I did a little of investigation, and oh my! Sue sue sue … Alex and Nicole are not bother posting about it, but they and the other people involve did told me what happened during your dives in cancun, and that was before I gave them the details of your post … but it all mach pretty well, it is just seems that you left couple things out!
So, let fill the gaps!

It seems that you have mix too many things and have not explain “what really happened” …
- The nice couple that the current took away, 1rst dive was done with Fred (the yellow fin man). Where you aware that Alex is “the only one” that “goes by the book”, and that he is the only instructor in manta divers with the proper equipment, that may be because he mainly works as an independent instructor and only goes to Manta when they need him or when him or Nicole do the photographic sessions, but it is a fact he is the most professional guide I have ever dove with, and I have seeing that many times when he goes just as a photographer other instructors depend on him for guiding, safety stops and so on …

- Unfortuanlly the lady was a not strong person and she had serious problem with current (If I recall well, you do also have had problems with currents in the past, so you say in previous post) Yes, you are right, the fist day the current was actually strong and took them away right from the beginning, they did not go down fast enough, they were suppose to go up but they didn`t follow precidures, it`s fine they learned, on the second dive again the lady was having problems and she did team up with her buddy tp surface, well done, the boat pick them up with no problems at all, as the current was below and not in the surface.

Not sure where the problem was in all that … some divers can deal with some current and decide to go up, if you tought it was too strong aswell you may should have gone up … but later we will talk about that …

Nicole as a Divemaster … Yes, Nicole is a Divemaster, but that`s not her role in Mantadivers, she is there as a photographer, not as your baby sitter. She does not get any moneys or tips by been there, she only gets commission on what she sells in her photographer, so obiusly she will concentrate on her “job” … but saying this I have seen her doing way too much work in manta, considering that she is “the photographer”. Her jobs requires of her to go all over the place taking the best shots she can, not to be taking care of customers, but she does help costumers and way too much I must say. Even that they keep telling her that divers must learn by their experiences and to stop helping them so much as a diver has to be able to get out of situations by themselves … something in which till certain point agrees, but not to the point that she fears that the client will panic … her own comment about her diving with you - “ from the first 2 words we cross I knew she was trouble, the type of diver that “know it all, about everything”, Alex and I have a deal when we dive together, if a diver has problems and required to abort the dive, we check the budy air, and if he/she has still plenty I will abort the dive with the diver with problems and alex will continue with the group, as he is well experiences on taking photos while diving wen it is required, in this case .. I remember well and it was not for her charmed, I saw she was having difficulty diving, I stay closed in case .. but she is way too big for me to puch her against current, so I just stay close checking how was she doing, I can`t dive for her I can only be there in case she needs me, at one point I tried to hold her and she cain of told me off, so I let her be, I took picture while keeping an eye on her, that`s all I could do”. Now I belive that was much more than the photographer should have done. She is always getting in trouble with the instructors for trying to help divers, Divers are suppose to learn by their experience, not by holding hands with the guide.

Alex: A diver for 9 years, 3 in which he was working as a Full cave diver, 8 years work with Aquaworld (the fast food on diving), and 1 year as independent and where you aware that he won an award in “quality lider”? Inexpirienced? I don`t think so my lady … Not only he has plenty of experienced he is the most professional Instructor I have dove with.

About Cozumel:

When it is windy, the marinas there like to use an artificial harbor to go for diving. As the usual harbor is not the best idea … To get there one must go by taxi! What is the problem with that?

The famous walk to the restaurant … I have done aswell … it is about About 3 blocks away (not a mile). No taxis/bikes are allowed in that area, so the only way there is “walkies” . Manta likes to take their people there, not sure why, most of the times it is noise and bad service, but hey! It`s cheaper than a good box lunch! … He has done that walk several time with 100`s of divers, people stops to look at the pretty shops and delays the group, sometimes they ignore the group and get in the shops!!! … He is been giving a time table to follow, and it is not safe to let divers to “slow down” … it is not up to him! If he walks to the paste of the slower person, the rest will stop to look the shops, it has happened too many times … He walks in front and people follow him, if you think that he is not turning around to make sure you are there, my girl, you obiusly were not observing properly … Alex even told me that he actually did offer to carry your things but you refused to … what else you aspect him to do? Carry you as well?

As you mentioned, the normal place they go was full, so he found another place, an expensier place, that`s why he did not have enough money to pay the bill. Yes, he very embarrasad had to ask for someone to ship in (manta is not famous for giving extra moneys to the staff in case something goes wrong) … But he was very adement that he gave you back the moneys in the van (because he has to ask the driver to lend him the moneys to give them back to you)

What`s the big deal? You had lend him $15, they were returned (this is not the first time it happens when that place is full) …

But what happened the following day? And they were several witnesses to that! Something about you shouting, kicking doors, name calling …etc … to Jhon (Mimi`s husband) .. something about you had booked a dive with aquaworld in the afternoon and a manta dive in the morning, but as far as the shop has to say, they never told you they were able to provide you with such early dive, as they had other divers aswell and they would be departing at the usual time, 9:00, that did not suit you, you wanted an earlier dive so you turn up earlier, the shop was closed, and no one there to take you diving … Finally everybody turned up at their normal working time to see a lady (you) going belistic for something that no one new about it … Basically you tought that they would take you diving at the time you requested, but they never confirmed with you that it was possible, so you got angry … very angry …

When you got home, (again alex and Nicole saying) you emailed them a quite rude way, as you had bough a video of them and requested not to be encrypted for you to make copies, but you were not able to make them … so once again you blame them for you own lack of availity … Once you decide to follow Nicole`s and Alex instructions you had no problem on doing what you wanted to do … but you insisted that it was their fault, that “you” were not able to do something …

I`m defetenally not here to criticize any body, but after reading your post and finding the gaps you left, not particualry by Alex and Nicole, but by the others that dove with you aswell … I must defetenally had to make some comments.

I let you know that you can say what ever you want, as the others I will not bother on continue about this post.

I only want to make one last coment:
You said - “Forgot to include: On a number of our dives Aqua World were doing training dives.”

That`s the times your enjoy the most were the dives “training dives” … I belive that say`s all. And please next time before you go to the caverns try to do the “Peak performance buoyancy” pleasse .. I belive that many future cavern divers would appreciate that1

If you want so know whom Nicole and Alex are check here

I personally and many others belive they are the best in cancun, and we would only dive with them.
Hi Mike, I will sugest you to contact Alex Polanco at 998.883.1091 or 998.126.9541, he is my teacher on my Master Scuba Diver program and he knows the area very well, aside of knowing where the animals are hided, so do not hesitate to give him a call.
Mario Pacheco
First of all, you seemed to miss my first comments about Manta, I stated they are good people and I truly believe Wilma did take the heart out of the operation. I truly believe Nicole would do as you described for the child, Alex and Fred also. All of the people were really nice people.

But from there we differ. You were not there - how can you say with such strength what you didn't witness? Yes the first dive was with Fred. The couple had problems with ear clearing, not current. He instructed them to surface and they didn't, they went on on their own. (as stated "not Manta's fault"). On the second dive, it was current that was the issue. They did not surface immediately but continued their dive on their own as they did the first dive.

And yes Nicole is the photographer, but again you were not there! Both Alex and Nicole were very involved in their photography and failed to notice 3 of the 4 divers with them were having difficulty holding ground while waiting for them to take their pictures. That’s 75% of us. And the 4th diver was working hard to get to where they were. It was Alex's job to be aware of us, and at that time he was not.

Regarding "Cozumel" - that was actually in Playa del Carma. Alex DID NOT offer to carry my bags until we were almost to the restaurant, when I finally got close enough to him to tell him I was having problems.

AND he DID NOT offer to pay me back in the van, in fact he didn't even mention the money again. WE were the ones that brought it up when they dropped us of at our hotel and we told him to keep it as his tip.

Regarding the final dive trip, my dive buddy had spoken to Mimi on the phone the day before about the possibility of doing a dive in the afternoon with another company, and would it be possible to be back from the Manta dive by noon. MIMI offered to start the trip early. We didn't ask them to, she offered! We would not have booked an afternoon dive if she had not said she would start the Manta dive early. We showed up early because Mimi told us to. And there were two other divers that showed up early as Mimi had called them and said the dive would leave early. And I DID NOT "shout, name call, kick doors or go ballistic.” Again, you were not there and you are fabricating your own truths.

The email exchanges with Nicole were not rude. Alex had stated that there was no encryption on the DVD, but I was having major problems duplicating them, both by computer and DVD to DVD. It was because he put a label on the DVD (I even sent them a final email suggesting that they not to do this because it will cause the disk to be unbalanced and cause problems in play back). And don't get into insulting my ability as you have no clue of who I am or my abilities.

I never said the "training dives" were the best, I mentioned the training dives as the original question from Mike included looking for OW certification for his wife and I forgot to mention that Aqua World offered it.

Now regarding your statement "I'm definitely not here to criticize any body", please reread your words. All you have done in your post was slam me. Who are the 6 of 7 people who won't dive with me? More of your own created reality? I realize I don't have to defend myself, but I am not the self-centered diver you accuse me of being. (Even in the other post you mentioned, I did not blame my buddy, I only pointed out that she would not ascend to try to get out of the current and I was concerned about her safety, which added to my stress. Notice, I said MY stress - my responsibility, my problem.) I do not have over 500 dives as you do and I am relatively new to diving (58 dives since OW Cert in August 05) but I am definitely not a needy diver! And I definitely DO NOT "know it all" and I know that I don't. I am a diver just trying to learn and expand my experiences.

Interesting how you are defending Manta when on another post you are quoted saying: "Manta divers - terrible, horrible, mean and greedy, plus take care of your YOUNG daugthers, some perverts around there!!!!"

and even more here:
Speciallily for greedy people as Jhon and Mimi (the owners of Manta divers), because they pay late to their employs, to their providers, they are always trying to get people to cheapen their work, they are mean and greddy, in the states they may have good reputation, but in cancun they have a horrible reputation, NO BODY want to work for them, They have no respect for anybody, not even for themself ... they arguing in the shop, they DRINK in the shop, at one point they were talking me to DRUNK ... I could go on and on ... the few dives I did with them I was horrifide on how they speak and how little consideration they have for everybody, they don`t care about their costumers, when I was their they were having a problem with an unhappy costumer, the girl wanted to cancel her dive because she told them they were the most unprofessional people she had seen plus they keep changing her diving days ... they tough she could not speack spanish and she heard the staff only complaining about them ... so she refused to continue diving with them, in front of her they were all nice and sweet, the moment she left they starting to called her all names under the son ... that was my last day diving with them, and pleaseeeeeeeeeee ... would someone make them stop talking on and on about how bad is life in mexico and how CHEAP are the girls, and how essay is to have a YOUNG girl (of 13) interested in one ... I found them gready, mean, rude, unprofesionals, perverts (did you know that Jhon had a law suit again him for sexually hassasment to a member of the staff, and it seems that he did not learn the lesson and he is going on the same way) At one point I also hearth a screaming fight with their captian because he was late been paid and he was having having mayor problems at home because of it ... they could not take their baby to the doctors because lack of the moneys ... and so on and so on ... they are the type of people that are detested here and bring Gringos really bad reputation ... they just give me - give me - give me ... I`m sorry but MANTADIVERS (MANTA DIVERS) Is a no no for anyone that goes and observes a bit further than their hypocrite manners ... It makes me very sad to have seen that, but glad I know ... and that`s that I when through them because an instructor (alex) that work as an independent for them mentioned them and he was not able to accomodate me when I needed to go, from now on I preffer to wait and be more flexible with my dives and wait for him, rather than having to deal with Jhon and Mimi themself ... I since then been contact by several people with the same histories as mine from manta divers ... they are defetenally not good, shame for the people that works there.

Oh - and while you are good at criticizing others, perhaps you should look at your own inability to do a spell check!

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