I'm wondering where is the best dive sites for beginners in the world. I know kind of an impossible question. My fiance and I are planning our honeymoon. We recently did a discover scuba course and loved it, and are starting our certification next month. We also are gonna try and log a couple more local dives before our trip after we are certified. We are open to going anywhere in the world, assuming it is safe, so places like Egypt are off the table,(we are following US travel advisories). We are also willing to wait to take our trip so that we are going at the best time of year for whatever location we decide on. We aren't interested in a liveaboard. We figure that we will get tired quickly as we are new to diving. So we are thinking of doing a 10 day trip with a built in rest day.
we have done a good amount of research but are really having a hard time figuring out if places are really beginner friendly. We have heard Bonaire is great, but more research shows that it's alot of unguided shore diving. We are also worried about accidently picking a place that has alot of deep diving, but not alot of dive sites that are in more shallow water for a beginner. We have also considered going to dive the great barrier reef since we are really trying to make this a once in a life time trip. But it's seems like diving the great barrier almost always requires a liveaboard, and also while the biggest reef in the world, it doesn't necessarily provide the best diving.
Where would you consider the best diving in the world that is beginner friendly. Also please mention the best time of year for travel.
we have done a good amount of research but are really having a hard time figuring out if places are really beginner friendly. We have heard Bonaire is great, but more research shows that it's alot of unguided shore diving. We are also worried about accidently picking a place that has alot of deep diving, but not alot of dive sites that are in more shallow water for a beginner. We have also considered going to dive the great barrier reef since we are really trying to make this a once in a life time trip. But it's seems like diving the great barrier almost always requires a liveaboard, and also while the biggest reef in the world, it doesn't necessarily provide the best diving.
Where would you consider the best diving in the world that is beginner friendly. Also please mention the best time of year for travel.