+3 for Tres Pelicanos. "3P's" will deliver everything you are looking for... They deliver "boutique" diving without the "boutique" price! Read the last thread that went to I don't know how many posts re: Aldora and 3P's reviews. Both are great dive ops but we aren't leaving our 3P's as we're not air hogs and have no need for those heavy HP steel tanks (although some love them and I understand 3P's just purchased some HP Steel 100's for those who want them).
There are several great dive ops that offer the level of service you are looking for and I am sure they will all be mentioned in response to your post. We've been diving coz annually for 14 or 15 years now and 3P's has delivered the best service and experiences for us since we found them 3 years ago. Aside from the great dive experiences we've enjoyed, Jeanie at 3P's who handles all reservations via email and the 3P's website is absolutely SPECTACULAR with her immediate responses and ability to cater to their divers every need. In the event they can't cater to specific need she will tell you so as it is better to turn a client away than to make a promise that can't be delivered for the sake of filling a boat. UW time since we found 3P's has been 3, 2-week dive trips the past 3 years and we logged I guess 75 dives with them or something.
We enjoy dive freedom and 3P's general rule is each diver and their buddy is free to dive their tanks, their DCs, or 70 minutes - whichever comes first. Do check out the reviews of 3P's and the others on Tripadvisor where you can read through the posts without everyone here (including myself) crowing about our favorite dive op.
At the end of the day it will come down to which dive op delivers the freedom, level of service, and dive experience you want at a competitive price and offers the easiest pick up and return to/from where you are staying. I say visit 3P's website and send Jeannie an email - see what they can deliver and visit the other dive op web sites mentioned and contact them. I bet none will respond faster and with more info than 3P's and as you ask more questions via subsequent emails, the answers just keep coming which is rare in our experience.
There are several great dive ops that offer the level of service you are looking for and I am sure they will all be mentioned in response to your post. We've been diving coz annually for 14 or 15 years now and 3P's has delivered the best service and experiences for us since we found them 3 years ago. Aside from the great dive experiences we've enjoyed, Jeanie at 3P's who handles all reservations via email and the 3P's website is absolutely SPECTACULAR with her immediate responses and ability to cater to their divers every need. In the event they can't cater to specific need she will tell you so as it is better to turn a client away than to make a promise that can't be delivered for the sake of filling a boat. UW time since we found 3P's has been 3, 2-week dive trips the past 3 years and we logged I guess 75 dives with them or something.
We enjoy dive freedom and 3P's general rule is each diver and their buddy is free to dive their tanks, their DCs, or 70 minutes - whichever comes first. Do check out the reviews of 3P's and the others on Tripadvisor where you can read through the posts without everyone here (including myself) crowing about our favorite dive op.
At the end of the day it will come down to which dive op delivers the freedom, level of service, and dive experience you want at a competitive price and offers the easiest pick up and return to/from where you are staying. I say visit 3P's website and send Jeannie an email - see what they can deliver and visit the other dive op web sites mentioned and contact them. I bet none will respond faster and with more info than 3P's and as you ask more questions via subsequent emails, the answers just keep coming which is rare in our experience.
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