Best Camera Housing

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:confused: Olympus 3030. I'm looking at purchasing a underwater housing for my digital camera. The PT-010 seems to be the most used housing made for my camera. It is rated at 100ft. I don't plan on taking photos below 100 ft but if I go below that depth will the housing leak destroying my camera ? Are there better housings out there in the same price range ?

Any recommendations ?
How deep are your pockets. Something to keep in mind is if you flood that camera how are you going to replace it? Ikelight and Light & Motion make some very nice housing for your rig, but how much do you want to spend. Check and for more info. Good luck, I am shooting a Olympus C5050 with PT-015 soon to get a Tetra housing.

:( Thanks, Iwill check those sites. My pockets are deep at least my wife thinks so!!!!
Mgnau once bubbled...
:confused: Olympus 3030. I'm looking at purchasing a underwater housing for my digital camera. The PT-010 seems to be the most used housing made for my camera. It is rated at 100ft. I don't plan on taking photos below 100 ft but if I go below that depth will the housing leak destroying my camera ? Are there better housings out there in the same price range ?

Any recommendations ?

The PT-010 isn't going to instantly start leaking if you go below 100ft! I know several instances, myself included, where the PT-010 housings have been below 130ft with no problems. I would venture to say that 99% of housing leaks are user error rather than manufacturer. It's easy to get rushed when preparing the housing and a single strand hair, grain of sand or fiber from a Q-tip can cause a flood. You can have a flood with any of the housings on the marker today, no matter what the cost. As we's not IF you'll ever have a flood, it's WHEN will you have it. One of the best things you can do is buy insurance with flood coverge for your camera.

There are other housing with deeper depth ratings, Tetra is one, but you better have deep pockets!
:wacko: They aren't that deep. I think using the PT-010 with insurance is my best bet.

I know someone who kept pushing his PT-010 housing beyond the 100 foot level, and he didn't see any immediate effects. Tried 110 feet, then 120 feet, then 130 feet, and kept diving various depths between 100 and 130 feet. One day though he saw a small hairline crack, and subsequent dives caused the crack to grow like a spiderweb crack like you see on auto glass. Eventually the whole housing was covered by the cracks. I can't say this is what will happen to your PT-010, but it's what happened to that guys. My next upgrade probably will be the Tetra housing. The PT-010 suits my needs for now though and I recommend it as a starter housing.
:rolleyes: I'm thinking I will just buy a 35mm underwater camera and be happy with it.

The PT-010 sound difficult to work with.
That's not necessary! The PT-010 housing is very easy to use. As long as you clean and maintain the o-ring, which is very easy, and don't consistantly take it below the depth limit, a dip below every now and then is fine, you'll be perfectly fine with one.

I'd hate to see you give up all the great things that go along with a digital camera, just because you got spooked by some of our comments and stories! If you have any questions, send me a PM. I've used 2 PT's.... a PT-010 and now have a PT-015...I love them!
:doctor: Dee, can the camera be turned on and off while it is in the housing. That is what worries me most. I can see myself on dive boat between dives making a mess of things.
Absolutely! That's one thing that's so great with the PT housings, every single feature is available in the housing. Ther are in the same position on the housing as they are on the camera. Once you are familiar with the camera, the housing will be a breeze.

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