Rather than simply going into the scientific theories and explanations, they make it sound like it's a huge mystery and no one has had any clue right up until the day the show was aired. They continue with major factual errors including that "most of the disappearances were during good weather" and "many of the disappearances occured without any transmission of a difficulty". In fact those cases were the minority. It also doesn't say anything about the fact that the number of disappearances in the Bermuda triangle are not signicantly more than elsewhere and that many disappearances said to have occured within the triangle may not have even happened there...only the intended "route" took the plane or ship through that area.
Including but not limited to things like "The Navy has been searching for answers ever since the unexplained loss of the 5 Bombers on a training mission".
The Navy wasn't questioning any mystery in regard to those bombers, they got lost. End of story.
There was stuff like this through the entire program, which, while presenting a mostly scientific "unparanormal" approach, felt the need to throw in the air of mystery along with appropriate music to build up the suspense.
That's not science.
As I write this they are now focusing on Flight 19 again. Which was a routine training flight, that, again... got lost. Due to a multitude of navigational errors. They ran out of fuel and ditched.
Nothing more.
Its too bad they didn't consult you before airing the show