Bennett Springs Info

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Scuba Instructor
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# of dives
100 - 199
Im diving Bennett on January 29th with a group of 4. Ive done the usual research thru this forum and Midwestmuckdivers. The one question I still need answered is how large is the cavern/hole going down. Will four divers have enough room? Or should we split into groups of 2?
This is one of my 2011 list dive's but have not been able to get info from the park. Did you call them or just go up their? every time I call all I get is a machine!

From what I understand it will hold upto group's upto 8.

If you would please let me know what its like and if its any good...have fun!
We have an instructor at my shop that regularly takes groups to Bennett Springs, both for cavern diving, and every year for helping clean up. You may want to call and talk to him. He is with Odyssey Scuba Page 1 and his name is Danny. Really nice guy. He could probably give you a lot of information from a diver standpoint.
Diving tomorrow! Flow rate is at 106 and temps in the mid 50's tomorrow. Cant ask for much more in late Jan.!

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