Belize wet on wet

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Reaction score
Des Moines
# of dives
500 - 999
We are going to Belize in late Sept. planning a trip to Ambergris Caye, but are becomming worried about the whole "Green Season" thing. Not to worried about a little rain. Heck we are going to get wet anyay. But I will be most disappointed if we cant dive. Anyone with experince and advise is welcome to comment.

To A Bright Future
Two things about September here. One, it's still hurricane season so that's a possibility. Two, when it's the raining season, mosquitos come in waves. You won't see many for a few days and then there's a dozen on each arm within 2 seconds of walking out your door.
Other than that, it's beautiful. Weather can be the calmest of the year and great vis. Sept is also normally the hottest month of the year.
Hank, I'm worried about the weather the second week in June. Any advice?

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