Scubydoobydoo:I think i am going to save Belize for a future trip. I am thinking that Fantasy Island Resort in Roatan might be the best all around place. Good diving, nice beach and pool, lush tropical setting. Perfect!
I may have to do Belize as an extra long weekend with divers only.
Just my .02, but Fantasy Island was the worst place I have stayed anywhere. The room was old and smelly. I almost starved trying to find some decent food (I like my bacon cooked). The beach is just a beach, nothing all that great. Again, just my opinion; and my wife's and she was the non-diver.
The diving was good at Roatan. I 'll do it again someday, but not at that resort (resort is really stretching the word).
Depending on how much you want to spend and such, take a look at Plaza Resort, Bonaire. Now that's a place with a beach. And rooms almost as big as some houses.