Belize or Utila Aggressor

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I'm booking my first liveaboard for this November, and I'm trying to decide between the Utila and Belize Aggressors. I haven't dove Belize or Honduras before - but I have done Cozumel and the Bahams a couple of times each, San Andres and Pacific Costa Rica.

Does anyone have a strong preference / suggestion for which one to try? I don't think I can really lose either way.


I've been to the Bay Islands a couple times so I would choose the Belize Agressor - - only to see a different area.

I did get a chance to tour the Utila Agressor a month ago and it is a great boat. The crew seemed very nice and I think they would make sure you would definitely enjoy the trip. Accommodations were sufficient to be comfortable. If you decide to do that, I recommend you add a week at Utila either at the beginning or the end of your trip.

You can find my trip reports of Utila and Roatan at If you like I will add some pictures of the Utila Agressor to the site for the information. Unfortunately this is only pictures of the boat at dock since I did not actually go out on it. They were anchored around some of the same dive spots where I was diving several days while I was there. It frequents the areas around the bay islands and so I ended up diving quite near it both on Utila and again a week later on Roatan. Sure looked like fun to me. :D
I did get a chance to tour the Utila Agressor a month ago and it is a great boat.

It hasn't been seen moving very much. IE: Just hanging around Utila. The idea would be to burn some diesel and dive Cayos, Roatan East and beyond. So far, no dice.

In Belize, a liveaboard is the only way to go. Have you also considered the Nekton?
There is a big advantage to using a liveaboard in Belize, seems much less so at this point in Utila. There is also the Sun Dancer II in Belize which we've done twice and is a beautiful boat. From what I know, the Belize Aggressor would actually be my last choice of the 3 big names in Belize. The Aggressor is nice but it's more expensive than the Sun Dancer which I think is nicer. (Looks like the Sun Dancer is boosting it's rates in 2007 though.) The Nekton is a little less expensive, seems like a good value, has the SWATH thing going on if you are the seasick type, and doesn't waste (IMO) half a day at the Blue Hole.

I am still tempted to do the Utila Aggressor just because I like liveaboards and would like a way to do the Bay Islands sans bugs, but I'm waiting to hear they actually move the boat, which is some of the point of being on a boat. They are going to start leaving from La Ceiba 7/1 to avoid problems with luggage getting to Utila, I wonder if that will change anything.
i recently did the belize aggressor.
we had a ball.
good boat.
good crew.
good food.
good diving.
good weather.
nice bunch of folks.
Can't offer a comparison but I can vouch for Belize. Dove there in March 2005 and again in March of this year. Went with the Nekton liveaboard. Good boat, good crew, good service and good diving.

Thanks. I checked out your trip report - and it looked like a lot of fun. I'm leaning toward Belize this time I think. I haven't looked into the Nekton at all. I'll look it up before I make the reservation.

As a boat I'd choose the Nekton every time - it's the only one that's a cat. Or you could have a land-based trip to San Pedro and take a 3-day outing on the Tabutne (based here).

Is there a big difference between the Central and South Belize itineraries on the Nekton? Their dates match my schedule better (and the $ match my wallet better) than the Aggressor or Sun Dancer, but it's really not clear to me from the site description what the difference between the two itineraries is. I really like how the Aggressor site gives you a map of the dive sites they cover.

I guess the only site I want to make sure I hit while I'm there is the Blue Hole. I've heard it's supposed to be kind of anti-climactic, but you still have to do it right?

Is there a big difference between the Central and South Belize itineraries on the Nekton? Their dates match my schedule better (and the $ match my wallet better) than the Aggressor or Sun Dancer, but it's really not clear to me from the site description what the difference between the two itineraries is. I really like how the Aggressor site gives you a map of the dive sites they cover.

I guess the only site I want to make sure I hit while I'm there is the Blue Hole. I've heard it's supposed to be kind of anti-climactic, but you still have to do it right?
Well their website basically says the southern itinerary does Glovers in addition to Lighthouse and Turneffe. I would imagine that sums it up pretty well. Google up a Belize map.

The Nekton does not do the Blue Hole. I think the boat is too big to get though the channel or something. (And no you don't have to do it, it's just marketed so heavily people get brainwashed into thinking that.)

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