Belize and Utila Dives sites

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How do the Belize and Utila dive sites compare?

Is it worth the extra $300 plus per person for airfare to get to Honduras or is Belize the better option?
I'm planning to go with Aggressor.
How do the Belize and Utila dive sites compare?

Is it worth the extra $300 plus per person for airfare to get to Honduras or is Belize the better option?
I'm planning to go with Aggressor.

Are you trying to compare livaboards? If not, you can dive, eat, sleep 2X to 3X as much on Utila for the same $ you'll pay on a livaboard. Utila still has less pressure. Maybe not for long. For a real quick take, check out

How do the Belize and Utila dive sites compare?

Is it worth the extra $300 plus per person for airfare to get to Honduras or is Belize the better option?
I'm planning to go with Aggressor.

Belize is amazing, no matter what you are diving from...I've done all my dives there so far! I've never been to Utila, but Dive Belize!
I haven't been to Utila, so what I say is based on reports I've been given. The diving is supposed to be at least as good as Belize, though where in Belize is being considered I'm not sure, but standards in dive operations are often very poor. It really is dirt cheap to dive on day boats there, so something has to suffer. But if you're reasonably experienced & confident and have your own gear you'll get far more bangs for your buck on Utila or Roatan than anywhere in Belize. Can't speak about liveaboards, but I should think they're relatively better value in Belize than Honduras.
If you like liveaboards, have a look under ther aggressor website, here in Utila is soon a Utila Aggressor. Than you can see the whole Bay Islands.
have fun

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