Beginner diving in Costa Rica

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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0 - 24
My wife and I are planning a trip to Costa Rica in early March, and we are looking for suggestions for places to dive for beginners. We got our OW certification last May while vacationing in the Philippines (it was awesome!) and haven't gone diving since. My wife is not a strong swimmer so she's nervous about strong currents.

After reading the many posts on the board, I've concluded that we're probably best off doing our diving at Playa del Coco/Ocotal/Hermosa. My conclusion is that there are a number of excellent options for dive operators (Ocotal, Bill Beard's, Deep Blue, Rich Coast) and places to stay (Flor de Itabo, Villa Flores, Coco Verde, Ocotal Resort), and we'll probably be fine with just about any one of them - is that right?

Anyone have any comments on Laura's House (B&B)? They're associated with Rich Coast Diving. They seem to have the cheapest package.
I'm a Costa Rican who regularly dives in that are where you'll be going. I normally stay at Flor de Itabo, which is OK and affordable (not ocean front). Ocotal Resort is much nicer (and more expensive), it's right in Ocotal Beach and their dive operation, which I strongly recommend, is located right in front of the ocean. They have nice comfortable boats, new gear and most importantly, great divemasters very familiar with all diving spots. You can openly tell them you're a beginner with some time since your last dive and I'm sure they'll take you to easy (yet great) dive spots such as Punta Gorda, Play Pen, Monkey Head, Argentina or Tortuga. Once you become more familiar with diving there, you can then go to Virador, Palmares, Tiburones, etc.

Other than Ocotal, I once dove with Deep Blue (long ago) and they were fine. I have not heard anything bad about the other operations you mentioned.

If you end up diving with Ocotal, pass my regards to Sisinio Alvarado (the boss there) from Fernando Alvarado (we're not relatives!).
Thanks for the info Fernando!! We'll probably go with Ocotal Diving 'cause my wife is feeling quite nervous about diving in CR (currents, etc.). Out of curiosity, are you familiar with Playa Hermosa? Would you recommend staying/diving there?
Yes, I'm familiar with Playa Hermosa, it's the beach next to Playas de Coco. Diving there isn't any different that what you dive if you leave on boat from Playas del Coco or Ocotal, as there is basically no shore diving, any dive operation will take you to the same dive spots in the Ocotal/Coco/Hermosa area (also referred to as Bahia Culebra). Although there may be currents sometimes, if they are really bad, the dive operations would just go to some other spot where conditions are better. As for beginner spots for your first day so you get familiar. I recommend going to Punta Gorda (normally no current there), Monkey Head, Play Pen or the shallow part of Tortuga (the deeper part has a small wreck at 70 ft). As you feel more comfortable with diving there, you can go to Virador, Argentina, etc.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance. Good Luck!

Looks like you've already gotten some excellent feedback. As another point, my 10 yr old son did some of his first JR OW dives at Ocotal this past summer. We did several of the sites previously mentioned. Such as: Monkey Head, Punta Argentina, and Tortugas. There are a couple of pics in my photo gallery. We went in early July. The conditions were totally suitable for a beginners. My son keeps asking when we're going back :wink:

We stayed at the Ocotal Resort and dove with them. As Fernando has mentioned, the dive operation a very well run and the staff is excellent. The manger, Sisinio Alvarado, is an awesome guy. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to address any remaining concerns or questions that you may still have. His e-mail address is Good luck and Pura Vida !
The currents are stong in Costa Rica even monkeys head for a new diver can be a little difficult, However just listen to your DM and you will have a amazing time. We had at least a thousand Cow Nose Rays go by ( we were there last march) The best place to see them is at Catalina Islands This is also the home to about four or five White Tip reef Sharks. That is my favorite place Monkeys Head is great pay attention and you will see a school of fourty or more Spotted eagle Rays they are beautiful don't chase them and you will be able to get great pictures as they will go right by you. ( we had a hungry camera guy doing a lot of chasing.) There is also a wreck near by that if you look there are two frog fish on board.
I took a look through our logs after Furypickles mentioned the currents. There were one or two spots where there was some current when we were there in the spring, but the DMs were pretty good about staying on the lee side of the diver spots. Also, I have to add a caveat that we learned to dive with shore diving in N. Cal with strong surge. So, current is relative.

Ditto on seeing more eagle and cownosed rays than you can shake a stick at.
Thanks to all for all your helpful comments! I am getting so pumped to go now!!! The plan is to do 3 days of diving with Ocotal Diving - I'll post my report afterwards to let you all know how it went...
I went with Rich coast diving and took one of their packages. They are great!
Last time I went there we took some divers from Ocotal because they siad there wern't any trips to CAtalina island.
They went with us and Rich Coast and they loved it too.
Ocotal is probably good but big and Rich coast is a little more personal.
Take your pick and enjoy the diving!

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