Become Professional in Thailand?

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I am new at Scubaboard and I find it very interesting and useful. I have been reading few threads on Thailand and Asia in particular and already found lots of hints.

I am on AOWD and EFR certified diver and planning to go to Asia to become a professional in diving, in May 2005 ... I know a lot could change in a year time, but I am trying only to get opinions about Thailand and other places in Asia, in order to make the best choice in terms of costs and instructor experience.
So, could anyone let me know if it is possible to get to be pro by working (anything suits!!!!) in a diving center and not pay the courses (I am a certified accountant and speak fluently English, Italian, French and German)?

I am thinking about Thailand or Philippines.

Anyone could let me know, by living in one of those places for about 6 months, the monthly budget I should consider in terms of accomodation and food ...
Much appreciated if you could help ...
Greetings from sunny Switzerland.

hi Freesub, in thailand there's 2 main choices west coast or east coast (gulf islands), you'll have better conditions generally on the west coast but for my mind I prefered working the east coast islands on koh tao. This was because it is cheaper and more relaxed than the area around phuket.

This time of year is better for the east coast I believe and toward the end of the year through to jan, conditions will be better on the west coast.

budgetwise you can get by on 18k baht which is around £300 per month, this seemed to be what you could expect as a divemaster. ou will be able to earn more as an instructor and have the option of either teaching or divemastering.

It may be a good idea to do your dmt and poss instructor course if yu're going on to that in the same area you wish to work. this has the benefit of letting you get to know the dive sites and make contacts with shops and other pros. the downside would be that you limit your diving experience but that obviously is upto you.

If you're looking gulf side let me know if you want details of good dive shops.

Hi, I have a question - and don't get me wrong this is a very sincere question, but how well can you live on 18,000 Baht a month? I know you have said "get by" but is it survival, limited, not bad, good?

Hi Freesub,

Yes, you will find diving schools that provide training in exchange for working there. Here in Phuket it is hardly ever done (for which I am glad, because I am convinced you should seperate the two, and simply pay for your courses), but on Phi Phi and Koh Tao you will for sure find it.

Be careful with Koh Tao, quite some diving schools there don't do too good a job with their training, and that means a lot of other diving schools (here in Thailand and in a lot of other places as well) are very hesitant about hiring anyone who has done his training there.

On Koh Tao the whole life is about diving, on Phi Phi there is more than diving, so it depends on what you prefer. Also I think Koh Tao will be cheaper. Starting in May, which is the Month the weather changes at the Andaman Coast, the weather should be better in the Gulf.
To whitehead,

Me not a dive pros, but can tell that earning 18K baht a month at the beginning is more than survival, although not terrific. This is comparable to monthly salary of newly undergraduated student in Thailand. :dazzler1:

Hi, I have a question - and don't get me wrong this is a very sincere question, but how well can you live on 18,000 Baht a month? I know you have said "get by" but is it survival, limited, not bad, good?


it will easily cover food, accomodation, drink and transport. It's a question of being careful where you go out, find the local restaurants and it's much cheaper.
Thanks Dorsetboy, thanks Stevenl and thanks everybody!!!

I believe I will go to Koh Tao and my main concern is to get a good training. So, I am also prepared to pay for my courses if that means better chances for working ... also higher wages deals I guess!

If you guys could let me have some refernces of good dive shops in Koh Tao, it will be great!!! I will probably contact them from here and ask for an offer that suits my career plans as a diving instructor.

Anyone has any informations about Philippines, although I believe in Thailand there are better chances???

Have a nice one!

hi i know am new to the forum and new to the sport but i thought you might like another option. as far as countries have you ever thought of Sabah,Malaysia the city of Kota Kinabalu or Sipidan and Mabul. I was certified by Sabah divers in KK its a busy city with good commerce and the dive sites and training sites are a 20 minute boat ride. beautiful reefs and oceans. the people are very freindly and most speak english..also a single mans paradise..i should know i married a local..any way lots of jobs avaliable for accountants i would think all so for multi linguist like you in the tourist industry..
the cost of living is very cheap not as cheap as thailand but cheap enough..
This is more for STEVEnL in Phuket
Be careful with Koh Tao, quite some diving schools there don't do too good a job with their training, and that means a lot of other diving schools (here in Thailand and in a lot of other places as well) are very hesitant about hiring anyone who has done his training there. :11:

What absolute crap............

I have worked in the industry over seven years now live on Tao worked three oceans inc Phuket side.

I currently work in diver safety travelled just last month to Oz Personally found the quality of instructor rather frightning.
MY point is its not the place they are trained its the individual The agencies allow any muppet to become an instructor.(100dives be able to read and have money)
Its what the individual does after that counts.

My second point is why this opinion ?
is it because you have had bad experience with some people in your circle of dive friends.
Internationally Tao is respected as much as any where else.
Your statement is offensive and simply incorrect you could pick any location and find fault./True dive proffesionals look at the positives.

all the best

Padi mi SS it
Dan instructor trainer ,tek instructor Cht and dmt
Hi Gary,

I know some people won't agree with what I posted, but that really is my experience.
Before I came to Thailand I used to work in Egypt in a extremely professional diving center, and nobody who received his/her training in Koh Tao (especially OW) was allowed to go diving without a Scuba Review first, simply because of bad experiences. And I have the same experience with diving professionals.

Of course it is the individual, but with all the training being done in Koh Tao, quite often in very large numbers and very fast courses, just meeting the performance requirements, it is very difficult to reach the high standards I am sure we all would like to see in the diving industry. And aside from the individual, also the standards set by the diving school are very important.

There are plenty of good diving schools as well on Koh Tao, don't get me wrong, my point is just be careful.

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