Beaver Lake Report, June 26....

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Reaction score
Southwest Missouri, USA
# of dives
200 - 499
Had a great day on the lake with Aquasports/Diventures Springfield group on the big boat from Lost Bridge Marina. Visibility, on the other hand... :-( Actually not too bad in places down to the thermocline (25'), after that, gets bad fast, past 50' virtually 0. Best we found was at the bluff at north bridge, 10', maybe a little more in places. Suface temp 82 or so, down to 61 at 50'. Still, a great day of diving with old and new friends.
Glad you had a good time! :) I'm headed down there in a couple of weeks to take AOW. I hope the visibility is better then. I'd prefer not to add that element of bad visibility to my class.
Past 50', it was almost impossible to find a buddy without a light. It was dark, cold and scary, but quite an adventure. We literally ran into the bluff ledge before we saw it at 60' !-| Still, glad for the experience, kept our heads, no issues, communicated well. It was good.
Don't see much precip. in the weather forecast, so it should get gradually better. It is Midwest Muck, after all.... but way worse than I have seen it before.
But in 30 days, I'm in Cozumel :) Yipee!
LOL! Wow, you ran into the wall before you saw that's some bad viz! I definitely think diving there will sharpen certain skills you cannot get diving in clearer waters. I do hope that the rain stays away. I'll be doing Nav & Deep dives in that lake. I guess if the viz is bad then I'll be that much better at those skills...I hope!

Have a great time in Cozumel! I hope to hear about it! I'm considering going there sometime in the winter months.
The area you will probably be in should be fine for nav, several of our group completed that on our trip. Usually things are better below the thermocline, but still stirred up from the rapid release of flood waters, I guess. Should get better with time. Focus on the task at hand, and have a light. No worries :)
Coz is always wonderful, can't wait to be back!
Was it just dark or was it silt out?

I hope it clears before I go.

Thanks for the update

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