Beaver Lake July 23rd

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Scuba Instructor
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500 - 999
The DDU Club Dive Games Event will be on Saturday July 23 at 11:00 AM at the North Dam Site Day Use Area at Beaver Lake. We will be at the north end of the parking lot by the boat ramp. The time is later than our usual 10:00 AM. We do need volunteers to arrive by 10:00 AM or a bit earlier to help setup the events in the water. Entry fees are $15 for club members and $20 for non-members. It was also decided that the Underwater Watermelon Carving would be held after the dive games. The Watermelon Carving is a separate event. You get 2 chances of winning on this day! There will be a lot of diving and a lot of fun, so plan on being there.
Sent you a pm.

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