Beaver Lake at it Worst..

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Ocala, Florida
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Anxious and giddy as a school boy is what I would like to describe the wait till Memorial weekend and the dive season. :yeahbaby: But what I found instead was a poor condition due to a very rainy spring, with high and muddy waters and at times high winds. :w-t-f:

I would say keep away from the dam area to me the viz was the worst their at around 4-5 too ZERO.
But that did not seem to stop my brother's and sister's from hitting the water! :chicken:
Air temp's are in the 80's and water temp's are 70 on top and 61 on the bottom, and this is 50 ft and below..word of caution its very very dark past the thermocline at 30 ft.

Some of the better diving this weekend was had around Lost Bridge and Indian creek. I guess all of the dirt and filth are heading down to the dam..and hopefully out so viz will get better.

To be saf...err I would hook my flag to me and roam up and down the bluff's. But on Sunday the winds were so fast that it was like having a current and my flag would pull me through the water. :storm:

All in all not a bad weekend I meet and had some good comradery and got wet to boot and thats what its all about! I look forward to hearing of your stories from this weekend till then cheers all and happy diving! :D
Saturday was a lot of fun viz not withstanding... Sorry I flaked on Sunday... I really needed to spend time with the family!!! Did you guys try out Indian Creek? Was the viz any better there? Hope the water clears up soon.
Oh no prob on Sunday. Indian Creek was a little better than dam site, Mark and I went down their sunday morn and had a good time so I just stayed around their and Lost Bridge.

We need to set a time and date for Oronogo I'm open for the 4th of July. June is looking booked for me.
Yep me too... I'm traveling 3 out the 4 weeks in June... may only get in a dive or two the rest of the month. July sounds good to me!

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