That would have me livid. Was in Coz over thanksgiving, the weather was perfect and there were no closures, but reading about this stuff constantly is frustrating. I think I'm about finished heading down there, but it's so cheap and close for me that it will be hard to give up. My biggest complaint these days is the non-stop harassment from quite literally every single person that you pass walking by. Used to be if you got off the the main couple of roads you were ok, but these days, you can't walk 20 ft w/o being bothered about scooter/car rentals, mota/coca/sister, highest quality junk, free tequila, etc........I've always been polite and realize folks are just trying to make a living from the cruise ship zombies, but this last trip might have pushed me over the edge. It's just so exhausting. Add to it the fact that the week before and the week after we were there, there were questionable port closures, I'm just not sure how much longer I'm willing to gamble with my ever so precious vacation time away from work.