Beach 8th/9th Street

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Long Island NY (Oceanside)
Has anyone dove there recently, i went to check it out today and the fence is open but the property still looks abandodned. Do people still dive this location? If so what the best dive plan. I did a search and couldnt really find anything. Any ifo would be great!

On another note, im pretty sure that it is illegal to dive in a boat channel (for obvious reasons) my question is does this include the entire body of water or just in the center? Just wondering if it is even leagal to dive here.

Thanks again:confused:
Has anyone dove there recently, i went to check it out today and the fence is open but the property still looks abandodned. Do people still dive this location? If so what the best dive plan. I did a search and couldnt really find anything. Any ifo would be great!

On another note, im pretty sure that it is illegal to dive in a boat channel (for obvious reasons) my question is does this include the entire body of water or just in the center? Just wondering if it is even leagal to dive here.

Thanks again:confused:

On a wednesday doubt you will see much activity. But if you went there on Sat or sunday I'll bet you couldn't find a parking spot. I know of at least two instructors who were going to be there for checkouts.

I have only been there once myself, but I understand best time is at high slack.
I have only been there once myself, but I understand best time is at high slack.

I too have only been there once as well and that was when Just Paradise was open. High slack is all important or you are going on a trip, like it or not. It is only illegal from a private property point of view but people have told me they just do it or enter the water around the rocks from the public beach. When I dove it I didn't see much boat traffic and one guy said he always drifts down to the bridge before slack and then drifts back with the current. This would take you out into the channel and that I wouldn't recommend. Nonetheless, this guy did it all the time and asked if I wanted t, but I declined. It was a surprisingly good dive with lots of life and about 10ft viz. Yes, people still dive it and even the local police and fireme depts. use it for a training area too. Seems the don't ask and don't tell thing is going on. I would love to dive it again. Anyone want to lead the way? I wouldn't feel comfy doing it without someone who has been diving there post Just Paradise.
I just spoke to the owner of Stingray Divers in Brooklyn and he said that they and a few other LDS's still use it for classes and dive it a few times a month.
I dove there this past Sunday - there are divers there every weekend. High slack is the time to go in. We had unusually good viz - 15 ft. Temp was 64f. Lots of snails right now. Found 2 seahorses.

2 weeks ago, we had 6 ft. The place was lousy with horseshoe crabs that weekend.

I love diving there. You have to stay low, especially when the tide starts moving out towards Breezy Point, unless you want an express trip to Brooklyn.
Thanks for the report gang. I want to do it again so if anyone is going soon please let me know.
Di Dieter, formerly of Atlantic Divers, dives Beach 8 virtually every weekend. Check his slack table at
Di Dieter, formerly of Atlantic Divers, dives Beach 8 virtually every weekend. Check his slack table at
Just what I was looking for, thaanks!
Anytime. Maybe I'll see you down there.
I can personally attest to the fact that I'm there almost every weekend, and there is a huge crew of people dedicated to diving that spot. Water temperatures have been low this year, but Vizibility was close to 20 feet the other day.

No matter when you go, going with a buddy and diving slack is a MUST at that site!! It is very easy to get entangled in old fising line if you are not careful, and the currents can VERY quickly sweep you out to sea in an instant, and you wouldn't even feel it.

Just remember, that on a compass, the beach is always north at this spot!

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