Be Careful!!!!!

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Glad to hear you are okay, except for the bumps and bruises...I've never had the misfortune to have the air bags in my car go off...I can assume that is rather alarming to have happen, even if it does protect you.

GratefulDiver once bubbled...

It was raining, dark and the roads were slick. Since they didn't have any lights on, I didn't see them until my own headlights reflected back to me off their cars. By then it was too late.

The Lesson Learned:

When its raining and dark, please also consider slowing down....64mph is good on brightly lit dry nights, but maybe not on some darker rainy nights...I've learned that lesson myself, the hard way.
scubasean once bubbled...
When its raining and dark, please also consider slowing down....64mph is good on brightly lit dry nights, but maybe not on some darker rainy nights...I've learned that lesson myself, the hard way.

You can count on that. I'll be enjoying life in the slow lane from now on.
Glad to hear you're ok... and nothing real serious happened to ya.
Good luck in your recovery.
Is that when you have an accident, if possible, remove the vehicles and people from the traffic lanes as soon as possible.

Glad you came through ok.
scubasean once bubbled...
I've never had the misfortune to have the air bags in my car go off...I can assume that is rather alarming to have happen, even if it does protect you.

That's putting it mildly. I've had mine deploy on two occasions. I wasn't going especially fast, either, but the first time they deployed, they blew my windshield out. Imagine how that feels in your ribcage...:eek:
Bob3 once bubbled...
Glad to hear you made it through more or less intact.
Remember, soaking in warm water is a wonderful form of PT.
See if your MD will write you an Rx for a few weeks in the Bahamas.;)
I was able to get mine to write a 'scrip for "hydrotherapy equipment", which was installed in my back yard.
The HMO would not cover it :)
Thanks for taking the time to post your story. I'm glad you'll be okay to dive another day (or night :)

I'll be driving my family home to Colorado for the holidays, and your story is a great reminder to make sure EVERYBODY (including the dog :) is buckled in.

Be well. Dive well.
Glad your OK Bob, could have been a lot worse I guess.
Rest up and get those knees in shape for Roatan!
Happy Holidays and be safe!
most people believe that drunk driver's cause many accidents

actually many more accidents in California are caused by violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22350 - Excessive Speed for Conditions

buckle up and slow down

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