I was testing my regulator, and discovered a tiny leak from the BCD inflator hose (Miflex) when vacuum testing. I took the Schrader valve out and checked for nicks and gunk, but found none. Lubed up the valve and re-installed and there was still little leak.
I hooked the regulators up to a tank and there was no leak from the inflator hose. With the regulator off the tank - with dust cap in place - and inflator hose connected to the wing, also no leak.
I think I'm fine for diving, but would like to get it fixed. So what kind of Schrader valves are used in an inflator hose? My wing is an Oxycheq Mach V, and the inflator assembly looks fairly generic - i.e. it looks similar to many other assemblies.
An old 2004 thread said to use whatever I can find, but does anyone have details or differing opinions?
I hooked the regulators up to a tank and there was no leak from the inflator hose. With the regulator off the tank - with dust cap in place - and inflator hose connected to the wing, also no leak.
I think I'm fine for diving, but would like to get it fixed. So what kind of Schrader valves are used in an inflator hose? My wing is an Oxycheq Mach V, and the inflator assembly looks fairly generic - i.e. it looks similar to many other assemblies.
An old 2004 thread said to use whatever I can find, but does anyone have details or differing opinions?