Yep. Fully agree. I have an on-hose mixer and also have a pump up garden sprayer. The sprayer is mainly used at the boat ramp for the trailer. I spray the wheels, axles, brakes, and other parts after I launch the boat. I figure that's better than baking the salt water in during the day.+1 for the use of the Salt Off cleaners. All of my gear gets sprayed down with a sprayer bottle solution mixed with it after saltwater, especially anything metal. A pump garden sprayer works great for this. While I have only been using it for a short while on my dive gear, I have been using it for years on my saltwater boat, fishing gear, and to run through my outboards water intake as a Fall treatment. Works awesome.
When the boat is retrieved and at the house, I use the on-hose mixer to spray down the trailer as well as run through the outboards. I run through with the Salt Off first, then finish with plain water rinse.