This is actually one of the most "flame free" zones on the net. We don't want to "kill" constructive criticism, but we certainly try to stop name calling and such. Are we perfect? Nope, but we care and do try. Sometimes though, you can mistake passion for rudeness. Some who believe something strongly often come across as "rude", "egotistical", "self centered" and as a "know it all". You need to learn to look beyond the "words" and concentrate on the message. Heck, my mom was pretty rude to me just about every time I tried to play in traffic. In her many more years of experience on this planet, I guess she saw something that I didn't. Thanks mom!
We tend to worry more about "who is right" rather than "what is right". When that happens there is no need for either party to continue the discussion, because the free exchange of ideas has ceased. I try to learn something from everyone... from my harshest critics to those who would never intentionally say a critical thing about me. They all have at least a grain of truth in what they say!
As for the board... our mission statement says it best!
Welcome to a diverse online community of scuba diving enthusiasts dedicated to sharing the wonders of our underwater world in a safe, family oriented environment. Our focus is to advance safety, knowledge and enjoyment within the diving community by encouraging the mutual exchange of experiences, ideas and opinions. We sincerely hope you enjoy and benefit from your extended surface interval with us.
We tend to worry more about "who is right" rather than "what is right". When that happens there is no need for either party to continue the discussion, because the free exchange of ideas has ceased. I try to learn something from everyone... from my harshest critics to those who would never intentionally say a critical thing about me. They all have at least a grain of truth in what they say!
As for the board... our mission statement says it best!
Welcome to a diverse online community of scuba diving enthusiasts dedicated to sharing the wonders of our underwater world in a safe, family oriented environment. Our focus is to advance safety, knowledge and enjoyment within the diving community by encouraging the mutual exchange of experiences, ideas and opinions. We sincerely hope you enjoy and benefit from your extended surface interval with us.