I've had tinnitus for years both ears, left ear worse. It was very disturbing initially but now just part of me. It doesn't affect my diving at all. I've not been particularly exposed to loud noises over my lifetime, a few evenings out and parties, like yourself. Mine may or may not be related to diving.
I hear the clicking every time I equalize or yawn, etc. I'm also comforted by this because it means that I can equalize.
As others have said "equalize early and equalize often".
I start equalizing throughout the day for days before going diving. I equalize at breakfast, on the way up the dock and in the boat and again before descending. It's just like exercise and gets your eustachian tubes ready for your descent. Upon descending, as others have also said stay ahead of it by equalizing well before any pressure is felt. I'll often exhale in shorter puffs to equalize more quickly during descent but more often than not, I can descend head first after a duck dive, equalizing all the way. I attribute this ability to all the "exercise" my eustachian tubes have had. Obviously, you'll not want to start out with head first descents.
Get the second opinion and don't give up yet.