Barkley Sound trip report

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Reaction score
Victoria bc
# of dives
500 - 999
Just got back from a trip to Barkley Sound. A great weekend. We stayed at the Rendezvous Dive Lodge, and as my experience with them before, it was first class.

The weather cooperated enough for us to do some exposed sites, like Renates Reef, however the viz was disappointing, around 15-20feet. During the first dive one of my integrated weight pouches dumped, and it was a miracle I could stay down, but I burned through my air working extra hard to stay down. I was thinking " this sucks" when my buddy lured a giant Octopus part way out of it's den, and the dive suddenly was OK again.

After a make shift weight repair we dove ay Mahk Reef, where the viz was around 10 feet, but encountered a wolf eel out in the open, and 4 divers went on a mad chase over the reef, cameras flashing.

Some of the newer divers went for a night dive back at the Lodge, but I was content with an evening of hot tub, beer, and exagerated diving stories.

Next day we dove closer to the Lodge, and suprisingly enough the viz was better, 30 feet at Seddall Wall, 20 feet at Tyler rock. No big animal encounters, but tons of life.

Food was excellent, got some great video shots, all in all a great trip.

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