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Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
# of dives
50 - 99
Here is my question. Which is better? the BEST Bare suit or the worst DUI suit? I guess i shouldnt say best and worst but the XCD2 is bare's "flagship" suit and DUI's cheapest (pricewise) suit. They are around the same price and i dont know which one to get. I know DUI has a great name and great quality but is it better than the bare xcd2?

Hey, I cant say much about the Bare XCD2 (Ive never dove it), but I own a DUI CNSE and love it. It was my first drysuit and have had no problems, easy transition from wet to dry, very durable and a great warranty.

I have a Bare XCD2 nice suit BUT THE ZIPPER WORE OUT AFTER 50 + dives

Not waxed enough I don't think so!!!
My buddy has the Bare XCD2 which is close to the DUI CF200, but slightly thicker. The Bare has some stretch and warmth to it. He loves it. But you need a little more weight on your belt.

The DUI you mentioned is a shell bilaminate suit I think. There is no stretch and no warmth, except for your underwear, but you might get away with 3-4 lb. less weight on your belt.

In cold water the Bare would be more comfortable; if your diving Florida springs, the DUI might be better adaptable for the warmer temperature range.
In cold water the Bare would be more comfortable; if your diving Florida springs, the DUI might be better adaptable for the warmer temperature range.
:huh: Use Drysuits much?
I dive the Bare XCD2 Pro and find it a great quality suit. So far I have about 30 dives on it and it has functioned great. The 2mm hyper compressed neo is not the same as a 2mm crushed DUI and the manufacturer says it will stiffen a bit as it ages.

I dive iin pretty cold water all the time and find the suit is great. As far as Weighting goes I am 6'-185 pounds and have 24 pounds on total no ankle weights and have had no problems with air in the feet (turtle fins)
As far as the zipper goes it has a BDM heavy duty back entry and works great. The 50 dives wear out sounds like a warrenty issue.

I have also dove the viking pro and loved it, but need more undies to stay warm.

The LDS said that the DUI is the top of the line (he sold them as well) but depending on your diving you would be hard pressed to find a better suit than the Bare at the same price. I guess time will tell but if I can get alot of dives on the Bare suit I'll be really happy as the DUI 2mm is three time the cost.

Hope that helps

From the fact that you continue to compare the Bare against other suits kinda shows your sold already :)
I have a Bare XCD2 nice suit BUT THE ZIPPER WORE OUT AFTER 50 + dives

Not waxed enough I don't think so!!!

For some reason (anal retentive) I have all my Dive stuff here and from the back of the BDM instructions I quote"

Apply BDM fluid to inner elements and BDM wax to the outer elements. Use wax sparingly.

Close and open zipper carefully, twice, then leave open during storage.

So if they say you didn't use enough wax, well, the instructions told you not too!!!!

perhaps this will get you some service?

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