Bare XCD2 Dry Suit

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Overland Park, KS
Anyone have any experience with the Bare XCD2 Pro Dry Suit? Thinking of purchasing one and wonder if there are any happy (or unhappy) owners out there.
Bare sent us one to try out at our shop and I liked it so well that I bought the test suit. I have 50 or 60 dives on it in Puget Sound and British Columbia and it still looks new. It is very comfortable and durable, but the crushed neoprene doesn't insulate like a regular neoprene suit, so wear good undergarments.
I dived with a guy last month who was breaking one in for a trip to the Galapagos. I had just sold a Bare D6 so I was interested in what a lot of extra bucks would get me.
The suits are made very well - first-rate construction throughout. His suit did not come with suspenders which are pretty nice on a boat - on a suit that pricey, maybe they ought to come standard.
Also, he had the Soft Boots while mine had the Bare Boots - I would hate to have to mess with separate boots on top of the soft socks. This guy didn't have the boots, and the soft booties were really slippery on the boat deck. I'd definitely opt for the Bare Boots. He had the Pro Dry with the back zip. Front zip is kinda nice - I like the idea of doing my own zipping, plus do-it-yourself back zipping is an invitation to zipper strain and a nice leak.
The XCD2 is a nice suit - way more practical that a thick neoprene suit like the D6. As Mike mentioned - the suit is not going to do much to keep you warm so get good dive skivvies.
Tom Winters:
I dived with a guy last month who was breaking one in for a trip to the Galapagos.

OK, how cold is the water in the Galapagos? I figured it would be 3mm water, but I guess not. Also, would you recommend a different suit?
The guy was going on a liveaboard in the Galapagos, so doing 5 dives a day even in when its warm can get chilled you down by the third day. The water temps vary there by the season anywhere from 50° to 80°. That's drysuit water.
I liked his suit - not the soft boots though and it needed suspenders. He paid full retail for it and thought that he had gotten his money's worth.
We are trying to do a live aboard in the Galapagos in 2007 (I think) and, as far as I know of all the people wanting to go, I am the only one with any interest in Dry Suit, that is why I was wondering. Any suggestions on a different suit? I don't have to go with the XCD2, there was just a special on them, and I was wondering. I was also thinking trilam, but they didn't have a special on them.
I have a Bare ATR HD, and I love it. I do all my dives in British Columbia, so I have to wear thick underwear when I dive, but I haven't been cold yet. Also, the suit is very well put together (much like the XCD2), I haven't had a single problem with leaks since I got it. I think they're both very good suits and you can't go wrong with either of them.

I'm into my second season with the XCD2 Pro and I love it! While the insulation value of the compressed neoprene is not good, the advantage is in the heat of the summer, you can adjust your undies to suit - I sure don't sweat like my 7mm dry suit buddy! The wieght (light) and flexibiltiy are excellent. I have suspenders and I'm thankful to have been talked into them. If you get soft soles (mine) get the Trek Boots - not big deal to put on, very comfortable, and very durable; only issue: you may need new fins - these puppies are wide. Great suit - great value - easy to doff and don :wink:
I The wieght (light) and flexibiltiy are excellent.

Man, no offense but I could not agree LESS! I had one of these behemoths and it was the most uncomfortable suit I have ever had.

Recommendation: DUI TLS350 if it's too much money then get the Tri Lam Bare (The ATR) The XCD2 was awful. The XCD2 compared to the TLS is like a suit of armor compared to a light running suit.

Ask "Jumsted65" (board member) what he thinks of his. I think I've heard him curse it underwater.
Ask "Jumsted" (board member) what he thinks of his. I think I've heard him curse it underwater.
LOL! Yeah, I detest my suit. Let's look at the pros and cons:


1. It's warm and dry.

2. At less than $1k including undergarment, it was a good price compared to a TLS 350, but in the long run, I feel I wasted money on it.

3. It does have some insulating qualities, unlike a shell suit, though not as much as a regular neoprene suit. I don't need a super thick undergarment for 50 degree water.


1. It's bulky and heavy, It must weigh like 30lbs. A shell suit weighs next to nothing.

2. It's made of neoprene, meaning you'll need more weight to compensate for the buoyancy of the suit. With double 80's, I still need a 16 lb. belt (5'8" 160 lbs.) Buddies with shell suits require little to no added lead.

3. Takes FOREVER to dry. I mean, like a week or more!

Lemme see...what else sucks about my suit? I dunno. Bottom line though, it sucks. Two thumbs down.

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