Bare drysuit boot sizing

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Scuba Instructor
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Hi all,

I'm looking at a Bare Drysuit (XCD2) and trying to size myself out. Looks like I could wear either a Med or an MLS pretty comfortably. The question is in the boot size.

On Bare's site the sizing chart for the XCD2 doesn't list boot sizes but the one for the C4 Pro Dry does. I'm thinking this is just a site error as the other sizing measurements are the same. Here it says the Medium comes with a size 9 boot, the MLS with a size 10.

My regular shoe size is 9 1/2. How close to real sizes are the Bare boots? My diving is primarily in fairly warm water so I won't need super thick socks (at least not often), and don't want to have to wear them at all times.

Please let me know if you have a Bare drysuit and how the boot fit is. Thanks much.

I have a Bare D-7 Supra Dry. It's a size ml with size 10 boots.
I wear a size 9 shoe.
The drysuit boots are big on me. I wear heavy socks to compensate. I'll bet a size 9 boot would fit me perfect!

My guess would be they are pretty true to size.
Thanks Tavi. That's what the dealer says too so I'm going to order one up and see how it goes! excellent deal at

I'm interested in hearing what you think of the suit after you dive it.
I bought my drysuit used so I wouldn't miss out on coldwater diving again this year. Eventually I plan on upgrading.

I'll be checking out DUI drysuits at Dutch Springs,
May 18th & 19th. DUI Demo days and DOG Rally

Hopefully my wife will fall in love with a drysuit! So far she's a warmwater diver.
I'll post a review. I'm strictly a wreck diver so was looking at DUI suits but the prices are just over the top so tried to find something similar but less expensive. Hopefully I have....


Originally posted by Tavi
I'm interested in hearing what you think of the suit after you dive it.
I bought my drysuit used so I wouldn't miss out on coldwater diving again this year. Eventually I plan on upgrading.

I'll be checking out DUI drysuits at Dutch Springs,
May 18th & 19th. DUI Demo days and DOG Rally

Hopefully my wife will fall in love with a drysuit! So far she's a warmwater diver.

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