Bali Advice: Diving from Ubud?

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Los Angeles
# of dives
50 - 99
I'll be in Bali in August on a non-diving trip with a non-diving partner, but I would still like to get away for a day to dive Nusa Penida. We'll be staying part of the trip in Ubud and part in Uluwatu.

I was hoping to get picked up early in Ubud or Uluwatu and dive out of Sanur. Is this possible/practical?

Appreciate any wisdom you have, or any dive shop recommendations. Thanks!
They will be long days but totally doable from Ubud. Realize the traffic coming back to Ubud in the afternoon will be awful, but nothing compared to Uluwatu. You will have all the cars and buses coming in the evening for the temple show and returning from a million other things. Like Canggu, Uluwatu is suffering from massive traffic overflow. Granted, all of Bali is a traffic mess, but some areas are are much more than others.

I have not dived out of Sanur in many, many years so I'm no help there. No doubt the staff at where you stay will be able to arrange everything.

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