Seems to me a thread titled "Bad Buddies" is going to make most if not all Insta-buddies sound B-b-b-baaad!!--kind of like reading only the crime news in a new town, geeze what a dangerous place!
Mostly I take Instas. And almost all have been pretty good, some very good. Those that weren't were the (very very rare, mind you) "runaway" divers, who just take off despite what we discussed as the "plan". Well, I'll follow you as long as I'm not endangering myself or risking insufficient air for an ascent, but beyond that I ain't goin'. And yes, you end up finding them lah-de-dah back on the boat already, after you'd spent the rest of your dive and ascent worrying about whether you'd say the wrong thing at their funeral.
Since there have been no funerals, I credit those couple of "bad" instabuddies )out of several hundred decent ones), as a valuable learning experience--how you going to improve without overcoming a little adversity, anyway?? ;-)
Mostly I take Instas. And almost all have been pretty good, some very good. Those that weren't were the (very very rare, mind you) "runaway" divers, who just take off despite what we discussed as the "plan". Well, I'll follow you as long as I'm not endangering myself or risking insufficient air for an ascent, but beyond that I ain't goin'. And yes, you end up finding them lah-de-dah back on the boat already, after you'd spent the rest of your dive and ascent worrying about whether you'd say the wrong thing at their funeral.
Since there have been no funerals, I credit those couple of "bad" instabuddies )out of several hundred decent ones), as a valuable learning experience--how you going to improve without overcoming a little adversity, anyway?? ;-)