Attn: Folks in Okinawa!

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Reaction score
Kofu, Japan
# of dives
50 - 99
Hey all!

I have a terribly broad, terribly general question to ask those of you that are living & diving in Okinawa, or are very familiar with the diving/living situation there, and I'd appreciate any information.

I've been living up in Yamanashi prefecture for about six years now, with a year in Tokyo prior to that. If you're not sure where Yamanashi is, do the following: Find a map of Honshu and stick a pin into the one point on the map that is as far from any ocean as any point can be while still being in Honshu. That would be Yamanashi. :wink:

Anyway, my wife and I are discussing pursuing a dream: closing our school in Kofu, grabbing the kid, moving to the coast, and opening a minshuku. As a diver, I'd like to open an inn that caters to divers, but I wouldn't call it a dive resort. I'm not planning on diving professionally myself, beyond some part-time guiding in the future, but I'd really like my inn to serve the dive community. And of course, one of the points of this move is so that I can be closer to dive sites!

I've done all of my diving in Izu, east and west. We're considering moving to east Izu, because of the flood of divers all season long, but that flood does become a mere trickle during the off-season. Which brings us to the question at hand. We also want to consider Okinawa, but we don't have any experience with the place. What I'd like to know is:

1. Location, location, location. If you were looking for a place to open an inn, knowing what you do about Okinawa diving and tourism, where would you choose to do it? What areas would you stay away from? We have a 1-yr-old boy, so I'd need a place that has good access to schools and all the other standard family trappings. Would you stick to the main island? Is it worth it to consider some of the outlying islands?

2. In Izu, during diving season, it can be almost impossible to find a place to stay. Every room is booked. It seems to me that there's ample room for more rooms, so to speak, especially in eastern Izu. How about Okinawa? Is there room for more lodging? Or is it already saturated? We're not looking to get rich, so we're willing to settle someplace off the beaten path if there's a reasonable expectation of business. One advantage we have is the ability to serve our customers in both native English and native Japanese, so that may be a niche that needs filling, or maybe not. Since the dive tourists in the area are primarily Japanese, I imagine there aren't too many English-speaking hotels. But again, I can only speculate.

3. The X Factor. These are the questions an out-of-towner wouldn't even know to ask. This is where I really need advice. Potential showstoppers. The stuff only the locals know. Considerations about weather, real estate, killer robots, cannibals, sea monsters that eat small children, etc. :D

Obviously such a venture will require a few trips to scout things out and get a feel for the place, or even decide whether we really want to live there, but we need a starting point.

Any and all advice will be valued.

Thanks in advance!

Kofu, Yamanashi
Joel, have you ever dove Lake Motosu?

If you are serious about your endeavors, send me an e-mail and I can give you some more information.
There is serious lack of affordable accommodation on the island right now for tourist as more resorts go up. There are a few companies that have started to put more resonablly priced hotels up for the diver/backpacker. Summer season there is still a lack of rooms here and very few that cater to English speakers. I would avoid Naha but the farther north you go the better the living but less tourists and support for them. Ishigaki would be something to think about or Miyako where no one speaks English. Off season could be tough though on some of the smaller islands.
Joel, have you ever dove Lake Motosu?

You're not suggesting opening up a divers minshuku up there are you Matt?!

I did a couple of dives in Lake Motosu (part of the 5 lakes near Fuji-san, right?) and it was definitely a unique experience!
Thanks for the response, guys!

Mar Scuba, I haven't dived in Motosu, but it looks like I'll be doing a rescue course there this summer. I'll send you an email today regarding my Okinawa plans.

Japan-diver, thanks for the info! This is just the sort of stuff I was looking for. Would you recommend the western or eastern shore? Does it matter? In any case, when I make it down there maybe I can sign up for some diving with you and I can pick your brain a bit.

Thanks again!
Almost all diving is West Coast but some nice beaches up north on the East

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