Hello Team,
There are some changes to our program.
First of all there is a new e-mail address:
Please make note of this change in your address book. All requests for diving, thoughts and concerns should be sent to this account.
Second of all, I am starting my graduate research this semester which will keep me very busy along with my classes.
Heather Fisher will be taking over my office duties, Austin Dykes will be taking over checking open water divers and volunteer divers in and Eric Peterson is in charge of all open water bookings.
I have truly enjoyed running this program and working with you all. Aquarena is a place I will always hold very near and dear to my heart.
I hope to see you around as it will be hard to keep me away!! I will still be involved with teaching the Diving for Science classes and volunteering in beautiful Spring Lake.
My e-mail will not change if you want to keep in touch.
Submersibly yours,
Bridget Lewin