Attack of the KILLER ling??

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Hey everyone. This weekend I'm going to be going out to Porteau Cove with a few friends to count ling eggs. So, as we all know, lings are in full reproduction swing right now. That means they will be guarding thier eggs. How aggresive do they get? Got any good stories? I hear they can bite through dry gloves :p. I guess I better be careful with those. Thought this might be kinda cool to talk about. Let me know what you guys got!

Hey everyone. This weekend I'm going to be going out to Porteau Cove with a few friends to count ling eggs. So, as we all know, lings are in full reproduction swing right now. That means they will be guarding thier eggs. How aggresive do they get? Got any good stories? I hear they can bite through dry gloves :p. I guess I better be careful with those. Thought this might be kinda cool to talk about. Let me know what you guys got!

I assume you mean ling cod... ? Y'all don't have cobia up there, right?
Hey everyone. This weekend I'm going to be going out to Porteau Cove with a few friends to count ling eggs. So, as we all know, lings are in full reproduction swing right now. That means they will be guarding thier eggs. How aggresive do they get? Got any good stories? I hear they can bite through dry gloves :p. I guess I better be careful with those. Thought this might be kinda cool to talk about. Let me know what you guys got!

Just heard from a friend who was bitten by one this year. She said it was not too hard but she was aware she had been bit. She had ascended directly onto the nest without realizing it and does not feel it was an undeserved bite.
First time I have ever heard of that. They have chased me and confronted me before but never made contact. Then again I have never landed on the egg mass before.
Thanks for the replies guys. I guess I will just have to be carefull with my new smurf gloves :p Take care!

They will generally "escort" you out of the area - and only bite if they feel their eggs are in immediate danger.

If you get too close, you will know it - I have never heard of the ones at Porteau biting divers, but I have had them charge. If you know where the nests are, keep your distance. You'll know pretty quick if you've stumbled across a nest that you don't yet see.

Respect their territory, be on the look out for nests, and keep your hands to yourself, and you'll have a delightful experience.
ok, what the heck is a ling and how big do they get?
This is a lingcod. They're not exactly the prettiest fish in the sea.


(FYI: That isn't me.)
holy cow, and those things go after you and bite?

Hey everyone. This weekend I'm going to be going out to Porteau Cove with a few friends to count ling eggs. So, as we all know, lings are in full reproduction swing right now. That means they will be guarding thier eggs. How aggresive do they get? Got any good stories? I hear they can bite through dry gloves :p. I guess I better be careful with those. Thought this might be kinda cool to talk about. Let me know what you guys got!


A friend who used to teach said he had an encounter with a Large Ling Cod. He found one while diving with some students. He turned on his light and was highlighting the fish not watching it, but looking at the students to see if he had got their attention.

Apparently the fish was rather freaked out by his light, and the next thing he knows, the fish had his arm, and it apparently ripped a rather large chuck of the wetsuit off his lower arm, and his glove.

One of those second hand stories, but he said the teeth were just long enough to basically go through a 7mm suit, but he was not injured. He was however rather startled.

As I retell the story I should add that this was the elusive GREEN Ling Cod.. ohh, but that would be embelishing :eyebrow:
holy cow, and those things go after you and bite?


Only if they like you. If they don't... run.

Just kidding. They can get aggressive if you threaten their eggs; most of the time they leave you alone.

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