Hi all, up for sale is an Atomic T1 first stage, with T2 second.
The 1st stage has been upgraded with a monel piston, and sealed with Tribolube 71.
The 2nd stage is basically a T2, but with a B2 cover. All black, even the titanium swivel hose has balck PVD coating (it's the kind of hose that's on the T3). No other metal than titanium in this second stage.
$ 550 shipped to CONUS (PayPal Friends only).
The 1st stage has been upgraded with a monel piston, and sealed with Tribolube 71.
The 2nd stage is basically a T2, but with a B2 cover. All black, even the titanium swivel hose has balck PVD coating (it's the kind of hose that's on the T3). No other metal than titanium in this second stage.
$ 550 shipped to CONUS (PayPal Friends only).