Atom 1 vs Atom 2

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Reaction score
Louisville, KY
# of dives
100 - 199
Yes, I know there has been a lot posted here on the differences between the Atom 1 and Atom 2 and I am certainly not asking to rehash that. I currently have the Atom 1 and love it however I am giving consideration to upgrading to the Atom 2 after reading about the upgrade option in this forum.

I would like to hear from any 40+ yr olds who have spent a lot of time with both and their impresson of the two DC's. One of my biggest concerns is size of the digits on the primary dive screen of the 2. As I age, I wonder if the more crowded screen is more difficult to read at depth and lower light. Also, any improvement in the backlight on night dives? I have never been able to read my Atom 1 at night with the backlight as the digits get washed out for my eyes.

Thanks for any insight.

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