Atom 1 to Atom 2 upgrade

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Scuba Instructor
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Port St. Lucie
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Does the Atom 2 use the same download cable and software as the Atom 1?

My LDS will upgrade my current Atom 1 with a broken backlight to a Atom 2 for $200. Seems like a good deal considering getting the backlight repaired is $160...

The only catch is my AOW dives are in 3 weeks.
I just did the upgrade. I went through the Oceanic website directly. I think it took about a week and a half with them being in CA and me in MI. It only cost me $150 through them directly. I'd go to the site and get their phone #, or their email. They answered my email in less than 24 hours. Very helpful, too.

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